And,"Stop supporting this criminal regime." Also,"Do not use WOMD's or you will be tried as a war criminal." And "We don't know if the dictators son has taken over the country." Rumsfeld also writes brilliantly under the nom de guerre,'Franola."

Are protesters trying to distract police so terrorists can hit America? (english)
Franola Ringodelangalitis 10:34pm Thu Mar 20 '03 (Modified on 11:23pm Thu Mar 20 '03)

Are protesters trying to distract police so terrorists can hit America?

Is the purpose of massive protests in America that intentionally result in disruptions and arrests to occupy the police, so that terrorists can hit America? add your own comments
Yes, you have now foiled our master plan (english)
protester with known links to Al Qaeda 10:39pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Damn you!! Damn you all to hell! Now what are we going to do?? Our plans have been exposed and we cannot successfully carry them out.

I guess we should all buy AK-47s, grow beards, and find caves somewhere. Then the Bush administration will have millions of bogey men out there to terrorize the American people into accepting their "New American Century" of a world under U.S. control.

Haha (english)
Franola Ringodelangalitis 10:51pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Haha, nice response.

But, in all seriousness, it's one thing to protest in organized fashion. It's another to actually block bridges, cause havok, make people angry (at the protesters), run yelling and scaring people, lying down in front of police cars, and forcing major portions of the police force into handling the situation and not doing their jobs elsewhere.

I take heart when I see so many trolls (english)
m. 10:55pm Thu Mar 20 '03
They wouldn't bother if they didn't percieve that we threaten the established order.

It is ok (english)
Osama Bin Hussein 10:57pm Thu Mar 20 '03
I think it can still work. We just continue with the plan as if it hasn't been exposed and things should still go quite smoothly. In fact probably better because now more cops and agents will be watching the protests so that's more resources taken from watching for terrorists. So the original plan still stands. While watching protestors who aren't actually terrorists means the authorities will be watching less terrorists and because those that aren't terrorists will be watched the other terrorists can go about carrying out their diversion terrorism and the real terrorists can do the real terrorism.

A better question. (english)
D. L. 11:04pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Are you supporters of the war trying to cause more and more Arab youth to hate America?

Are you trying to cause as much terrorism as possible, so the Government will take away all our rights?

Are you trying to make to make the arms companies as rich as possible?

Are you trying to increase the cycle of hatred and violence?

Are you trying to give the US more and more justification for invading Iran, and Syria, and Saudi Arabia?

Do you supporters of the war want to push the fatal day closer, when an enemy explodes the first suit case nuclear bomb in the US?

You pro war people complain about the protesters, saying THEY are endangering our security.

If you care about security, how about spending the 200 Billion dollars on something other than war, something which will make both the US and the world more secure?

Use your imagination. You can think of something.

Franola, you're so neive (english)
m. 11:08pm Thu Mar 20 '03

Repressing dissent IS the job of the police.

This presidency is illegal and this war is a horrendous crime. The police have been militarized and our rights have been taken away NOT to protect us from terrorists, but to PROTECT THE REGIME FROM US.

You know this in your heart. The factS are in front of you every day.

Brains of a pressed seed (english)
farmer 11:23pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Franola seems to have the wit, level of intelligence and imagination of a breakfast cereal or cooking oil, although I find myself leaning to cooking oil: its unctous. END.

Any terrorists reading this should know Pine Gap was the relay station for the Assassination politics attempt on A day.

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