Title: Delphi Forums

Special Offer from Delphi Forums!

Free Books from Chicken Soup and Nothing Down Authors

Dear Member:

We have some very exciting news and just had to get this
late breaking announcement to you ... because there is a
very short "window of opportunity", and we don't want you
to miss out on it - BECAUSE THIS SPECIAL ENDS
ON THURSDAY, November 7th at Midnight.

To explain ...

Robert G. Allen (the author of Nothing Down ...
Creating Wealth ... and Multiple Streams of Income) has
teamed-up with Mark Victor Hansen (the author of the
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" series) to create one of the most
exciting books on wealth creation.  This book is called
"The One Minute Millionaire" - and it is being released TODAY!

AND thanks to our special relationship with Robert Allen,
he would like to make YOU a VERY valuable offer if you
get your own copy of "The One Minute Millionaire" TODAY
using a special "member's only" link!

Basically ...

Robert is going to make it worth your while ... by giving
you a Mega Bonus Package of Training Material worth over
$200 ... just for ordering your copy of the new book !!!!

If you follow the instructions below ... you not only get this brand
new book at a HUGE discount ... but you also get these great
items ... for FREE!

A FREE copy of Robert Allen’s bestselling book, "The Road
to Wealth". This is a special edition in electronic / PFD format!
A $29 Value!

A FREE copy of Mark Victor Hansen’s book, "Decide What
you Want to Do".  This is also a special, complete edition in
PDF format!  A $19 Value!

A FREE copy of Robert Allen’s new real estate book, "Real
Estate Fortunes".  This is a HUGE 450 page manual in PDF
format.  A $97 Value!

A COPY of Mark Victor Hansen's Inspiring Book, "The
Miracle of Tithing". An excellent and eye opening book.
Value? Priceless!

BONUS #5 through #9
Get 5 FREE SPECIAL REPORTS, released just for you!
* How to Become an Information Multi-millionaire.
* The MoneyTree Formula: 9 Characteristics of the Perfect Business.
* How to Grow Rich in your Niche.
* Rejecting Rejection.
* My 50 Favorite Nothing Down Techniques for Real Estate Investors.
These reports alone are worth $55!

Basically ... this complete MEGA BONUS PACK is a treasure trove
of valuable information worth over $200 ... YOURS FREE when you
help us take "The One Minute Millionaire" to #1 by ordering it today
through our special ordering instructions below!


#10 Bonus

2 FREE Telephone Conference Calls with Bob and Mark.
You will spend 3 hours with these Mega Best Selling Authors.
You’ll be the first to learn the insider secrets of becoming a
One Minute Millionaire.

Here is all you have to do!  BUT JUST BE SURE YOU DO IT
BY NOVEMBER 7th ... by no later than MIDNIGHT PST!

(1) Go to this special link to order "The One Minute Millionaire"

The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth
The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth

(2) Once you place your order, you'll see on the page AND get an
email from Barnesandnoble.com your ORDER ID NUMBER.   Copy this
number down ... then ....

(3) Go to this website

On that page you just complete the form and enter your valid
Barnesandnoble.com ORDER ID.  Then hit the SUBMIT button.  You'll

That's all there is to it!

Robert Allen wanted me to pass his personal message to you:

He said ...
" I haven't been this excited since my first book 'Nothing Down'
went to the "top of the charts" ... and I feel that this book is
going to do the same and help even MORE people find their
path to financial and personal success!"

" AND ... I sincerely want to thank you in advance for helping
to make "The One Minute Millionaire" a "smash hit".  Mark and
I feel that this book is probably our most important work, and
thanks to you and your help in promoting it - we ALL make it
possible for more and more people to use and benefit from it!"

To your success!
Robert Allen

So there you have it! 

Be sure to get your own copy of "The One Minute Millionaire" at
the special introductory price at the special link above TODAY
ONLY ... and you'll land a GREAT bonus package of some of
Bob and Mark's most popular and successful training material
to boot!

PS -- If you have any friends, family or business associates
that you'd like to let know about this special offer ... feel free!
BE SURE to pass this message on to them!

Click here to unsubscribe from these mailings.

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