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Donna's Mailbag: A computer answer.
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Good Day Folks! We sure have had a lot of responses to 
Amy's email. 
You see, she was having a problem with AOL. Even though
she set her son's email address at a 'kid' level so that 
it wouldn't received pornography or spam, he received it 
anyway. After that, Amy tried to report the email to AOL
but never received any sort of response. 
Here's what you had to say to Amy's situation....

Amy wrote to you about a problem with porn site links making it through to 
her kids' AOL email accounts.  Although I don't know if there's anything she 
can do to stop those from getting through because of AOL's proprietary 
policies (or the lack thereof), she can either purchase or download (also a 
purchase) software or a monthly subscription to something like "Net Nanny."  
Even if her children get those kinds of emails, "net guardian" types of 
software or services will prevent them from being able to access that trash.

"Donna, I don't use AOL but, on every Internet there is parental controls 
that you can filter out what you don't want to see. that doesn't always 
work. I have kids on the computor also. My advice is that if you don't know 
the person Don't open it up. thats what i have had to do due to the same 
situation on my computor. Hope this gives you some help. 

"Donna, Amy is receiving what is known as 'spam' - unfortunately there is 
not alot you can do about it, and now that she has opened the email the 
spammer will know the item has been read and it is a valid email - so 
expect more. On AOL you can forward the message to TOSSPAM where someone 
supposedly looks at it. If it originated from AOL then the spammer is 
violating the terms of service agreement. Unfortunately that mailbox seems 
to be full most of the time.

For now, if it gets worse, my suggestion would be to delete that screen 
name and create a new one. Also, PC Magazine had a feature on Spam, perhaps 
she can find that issue, it was fairly recent, if not the most recent. And 
instead of emailing AOL, use the phone (yes I put mine back on LOL) and 
talk to a real person.

- Bruce"

"I have two children that I have setup an AOL screen name for and have had great 
success with it. I also have a rule that they cannot view sites or read emails without 
me being there even though the controls are set.
If you have AOL 8.0, they have improved their controls for children of all ages. They 
have chat controls, IM controls, email controls and website controls. What I have set 
for my kids (as an example) is: for Web Browsing I selected Kids Only, for Instant 
Messaging I selected full access, for E-mail I have custom controls and for Chat I 
have selected no access.
Now the E-mail you can customize so that they:
Get all email 
Get email from just AOL members and block others
List the email addresses you want them to receive email from and block all others 
Get email from all AOL members and only certain domains that you list 
Get email from only listed AOL members and certain domains 
You can block all email
You go to the master screen name and select parental controls to do this.
I am surprised AOL hasn't taken what happened to you more seriously. The reason I say 
this is because one day my son, who is 9, got on a kids message board and read a 
problem a girl was having. He offered to give her advice and gave contact information. 
AOL immediately shut down the account so nobody could log in on any screen name. When 
I tried to logon to my account, I got a popup telling me to call AOL at a certain 
number because there is a problem they needed to discuss with me. I called the number 
and talked to the representative and they told me what happened. They unlocked my 
account and when I logged on, I found an email in my inbox from AOL telling me again 
what I already learned on the phone and a copy of my son's message was sent to me 
also. Not only did I get that email, all the other master names got it also. To say 
the least, my son got a talking to and we explained why what he did was not wise.
So I was impressed with the way AOL handled that whole situation.
I hope this information helps and I hope AOL takes action because that is 
disappointing. I went with AOL BECAUSE of the protection offered for my children. I 
hope they aren't starting to slack off now.
Chele  :)"

Yes, Chele, let's hope that AOL keeps up security. I wish we could rid.
Unsolicited email once and for all. Hope this helps you, Amy. 
Write us with any details!
Have a great day and Happy Valentines Day!!!


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