Title: Delphi Forums

Life isn't just complicated. It's downright chaotic, and that's bad for your health. You're juggling career, family, home, finances ... and that's just the beginning. How do you take care of yourself so you can be your best to handle all those things? How do you find time to achieve optimum vitality and well-being?

There is a publication that understands. It's called Real Simple magazine, and the focus is on easy, uncomplicated ways to improve your entire life. Real Simple offers actionable, effortless solutions to the problems of mind, body and soul that come with a hectic lifestyle. Nourish yourself physically and mentally right now with a completely RISK-FREE trial to Real Simple, and you may also receive a FREE Feng Shui Kit, if you act quickly.

Take care of your body:

  • Enjoy healthy, delicious meals with fewer ingredients and simpler preparation
  • Harness the power of sleep to wake refreshed and restored
  • Take simple, natural steps to boost your immune system
  • Take the stress out of dressing with an easy, go-anywhere wardrobe
  • Dramatically improve your fitness level even if you don't have time for the gym
Take care of your soul:
  • Focus on the company of family and friends -- not the food you serve
  • Find calming moments that let you reflect and recharge
  • Create family rituals that create lasting memories
  • Find serene places -- in your own home or abroad -- that let you get away from it all
Real Simple is the only publication that is dedicated to helping you achieve optimum vitality and well-being with seemingly effortless solutions to your problems of mind, body and soul. Nourish yourself physically and mentally right now with a completely RISK-FREE trial to Real Simple, and you may also receive a FREE Feng Shui Kit, if you act quickly.

The Feng Shui Kit includes:
  • "Feng Shui in 10 Simple Lessons," the perfect basic book of Feng Shui that teaches you what positive chi energy can do to perfect your home and work environments.
  • "Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui," a guide to not only simplifying your physical surroundings but cleansing your soul.
  • "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect, and Happiness" is a comprehensive lesson in living life with more purpose and joy.
  • A Woodstock Percussion FSCC Feng Shui Crystal Chime, with which you will harmonize your audio environment and enjoy the calming effect of these fine-tuned, Feng Shui-balanced chimes.

This healing Feng Shui Kit is a $77.90 value, but it could enter your life FREE, if you act quickly.

The Real Simple way of life is hard to let go, but even after your RISK-FREE trial, you don't have to. You may choose to subscribe at our guaranteed low price of just $19.95 for 10 issues. That's a savings of 49% off the cover price!

Try Real Simple today, and start simplifying your life tomorrow. Your health and your whole life will be enhanced, I promise.


Jennifer Hardy
for Real Simple magazine

P.S. This is a completely RISK-FREE offer. If you should decide not to continue your Risk-Free Trial Subscription for any reason, you may keep any issues or gifts you may have received with our compliments. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed. Get your RISK-FREE trial right now!

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