How is the little chap btw? He must be,what?...12? 13? Say hello to Joshua 4me.

The court order is up at --Declan] --- Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 02:29:56 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Texas Spitfire) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Since you brought up the Freedom of speech issue Mr. McCullagh, I do not know whether you have been following the Irwin Schiff saga or whether you personally support his position in the IRS/Income Tax issue so I would like to bring this subject to your attention. I believe that regardless of whether Mr. Schiff is telling lies or truth, he should be allowed to have his viewpoint. If what he is putting forth is false, word will quickly spread and he'll be out of business. The fact that the IRS is going to such great lengths to censor him only makes his position more creditable. In fact, I don't think a person can be found, who has put his procedures into action, who will say that "it didn't work". At any rate, I just thought you might like to check it out. BTW, a copy of his "banned" book, "The Federal Mafia: How the Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Tax" was auctioned on eBay recently for $117.75....the regular price is only $38! Sherry Hightower

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