Tim May reacts to real anarchists much like dracula does to garlic,thinking 
of you Timmy,you racist jerk.You die soon.
As many of you may or may not be aware, the white supremacist group,
World Church of the Creator and their leader Matt Hale will be coming to
the Martin Library in York, Pa on January 12th. For more info on the WCOTC
please visit: http://www.onepeoplesproject.com/creator.htm
The WCOTC is notorious for picking a town with a present or past
racial conflict and exploiting the situation to gain new members. This time 
are coming to York, Pa because of a race riot that took place in 1969 where a
black woman was killed in a hail of gunfire by white youths. The mayor,
who at the time was a cop, is being charged with inciting white youths to
"kill niggers."
Months before the Sept 11th incident, Anti Fascists across North America
had noticed a distinct upswing in fascist organization and activity. After
Sept 11th, many fascist groups began exploiting the attack to their own
advantage and have actually had a dramatic increase in their ranks.
Compared to the same time last year, the National Alliance membership has 
more than
Here in Philly and the surrounding areas, we have seen the effects of
this growth. National Alliance stickers started appearing in racially mixed,
working class neighborhoods in northeast Philly. Philly Anti Racist Action
tore down most of the stickers and put up ARA stickers in their place. A
bonehead by the name of Keith Carney was arrested in front of a Vietnam
war memorial while he, along with 10 other fascists were putting up National
Alliance stickers. Over the summer, Hammer "skins" held a show in
PA with over 100 boneheads in attendance. In recent months, National Alliance
affiliated boneheads and Hammer "skins" have been spotted at every major
venue, punk show in the city. A table with anti racist literature was kicked
over by boneheads at a punk show in Dillsburg, PA. A few months ago, 2
boneheads were arrested in South Jersey for breaking into a black couple's
home and beating them with baseball bats while they slept. Attacks have also
occurred in Baltimore outside of shows. To put it simply, shit is getting
out of hand!
Another alarming fact is that fascists such as the National Alliance have
been able to mobilize nearly the same amount of people to their demos as Anti
Fascists. In Wallingford, CT, the World Church mobilized not only people from
their own ranks but klansmen, hammer "skins", and other fascist groups as
This should be a wake up call to Anti Fascists everywhere. The fascists
are crawling out of their caves and from under their stones. We must be there
to greet the World Church, pick up the stones, and send them running. Matt
Hale cannot be allowed to have a platform to spew his racist filth and divide
the working class. Keep the fascists on the run and never let them have
the streets! Join us on January 12th!
Please forward this to all anti authoritarian groups. More info to follow....
So far this call to action is being endorsed by Philly ARA, Columbus ARA,
Barricada Collective, and Tute Nere. If your group would like to endorse
this action please contact Philly ARA.
For now you can contact Philly ARA at:
Email: Philly_ARA @yahoo.com
Phone: 215-727-0882 box #3
Columbus ARA can be contacted at:
Phone: 614-596-7677
Corralitos East,curt Saxon meet fellow caveman dick Cheney...
"It has become crystal clear that the West in general, led by the United 
States, are full of hatred against Crypto-anarchy Hatred cannot be 
defined," It's embodied though in the dick May's and Tim Cheneys.
Cheney's hiding in a cave, too--in Penn.
December 20, 2001
WAYNESBORO, Pa.--Three hours after Osama bin Laden turned the Pentagon into 
a disaster area, five helicopters touched down a few hundred yards from Hal 
Neill's house at the base of Raven Rock Mountain along the 
Pennsylvania-Maryland border.
Within minutes, a convoy of SUVs with black-tinted windows zoomed up 
Harbaugh Valley Road, turned left, and deposited the weight of the free 
world inside Site R, the inexplicably named city-in-a-mountain from which 
the Pentagon has operated and, from all indications Vice President Cheney 
has directed his office in the days since the Sept. 11 attacks.
Site R, with its six-stories of underground offices, a subterranean water 
reservoir, and banks of mysterious antennas, dishes and massive, steel 
doors, has been a designated backup command center since it was hewn out of 
the mountain in 1951.
For decades, Site R's presence was a village secret, barely acknowledged to 
outsiders and attracting little outside interest in turn.
''There are four entrances, but I've only ever been able to find three of 
them,'' said Neill, as he stood in his back yard, looking over at the guard 
station next to two oversize metal doors in the hillside. Six military men 
in sweatsuits jogged their way down the driveway and back up again.
''They weren't doing that before the attacks,'' Neill said. ''Now they're 
working out.''
The tidy equilibrium of rural life has been upended. ''Day and night, you 
hear the airplanes,'' said Bonnie Wolfe, whose model railroad shop sits 
below the flight path of the military jets and helicopters that 
intermittently pass by, usually unseen, inevitably heard.

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