CI Centre Speaker's Bureau: Have a CI Centre professor who served in the CIA, FBI, DOD, RCMP and even the KGB come and speak at your conference, meeting or organization. More
Book: It's Harder to Report on The Army
Even as public interest in the military increases, defense journalists are facing a growing wave of secrecy, censorship and persecution.....( Moscow Times, 15 Jan 03)
The CIA's Copy Desk and 'The NY Times'
What would Americans think if they knew that their best newspaper, The New York Times, had allowed one of its national-security reporters to negotiate a book deal that needed the approval of the CIA?.....(E ditor and Publisher Op-Ed, 14 Jan 03)
Resolute spy who prefers to stay out in the cold
SINCE taking over as Britain's First Lady of espionage barely three months ago, Ms Eliza Manningham-Buller has been keen to maintain an extremely low public profile.....( Financial Times, 15 Jan 03)
Former spy senses need for greater imagination
A retired American spy feels that intelligence analysis post 9/11 must be imaginative. "You look for what you know," Burton L. Gerber told several hundred people last night, "when you need to look for what is possible".....( Jacksonville Times-Union, 15 Jan 03)
Russian-US ties strained over Peace Corps
The Russian government's decision to put an end to the activities of US Peace Corps volunteers in Russia has become a source of irritation in relations with the US...The director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), Nikolai Patrushev, suggested that some of the volunteers were spying in Russia.....( Asia Times, 15 Jan 03)
U.S. spy planes to aid U.N. inspectors
U.S.-owned U-2 surveillance planes painted with the pale blue and white markings of the United Nations -- but flown by U.S. Air Force pilots -- will soon be flying over Iraq, looking for weapons of mass destruction.....( CNN, 15 Jan 03)

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