'Spy': The F.B.I.'s Worst Mole
They seemed like a big catch. Valery Martynov and Sergei Motorin were a pair of K.G.B. spies working out of the Soviet Embassy in Washington. Recruited by the F.B.I. in 1983, ''M&M,'' as they were called by the agents, were expected to tell all about Soviet spying in the United States.....( New York Times, 17 Nov 02) Hanssen Case Resources
...Inside the Soviet counterintelligence section at FBI headquarters in Washington, there could be no other word for what had happened: the two KGB agents who were the bureau's highly secret sources inside the Soviet embassy in Washington had somehow been discovered.....( New York Times excerpt from SPY by David Wise, 17 Nov 02)
3 more Egyptians held on Israel spying charge
Three more Egyptians have been arrested and accused of spying for Israel, police said yesterday, bringing to nine the number of held in the case.....( Ha'aretz Daily, 18 Nov 02)
Taiwan publisher accused of spying
A former newspaper publisher in Taiwan's frontline island of Kinmen has been arrested for leaking military secrets to China in return for money.....( Straits Times, 17 Nov 02)
Ridge Doubts Domestic Spy Agency
Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge says he doubts the Bush administration would create a domestic intelligence agency separate from the FBI.....( AP, 18 Nov 02)
They just go on writing about spying
Few subjects can as reliably command readership as do books on espionage. Each year hundreds appear, both fiction and nonfiction, tapping a limitless fascination with the black art. Readers seem as avid to find the dagger under the cloak as the spies themselves, often having lived for years under cover, are eager to reveal what they have done, or as historians and journalists are determined to uncover their stories.....( Baltimore Sun, 17 Nov 02)
Korean Kidnappings: The South's Wound
...For years, the disappearances, in 1977, remained a puzzle with no clues. South Korean military intelligence officers would occasionally visit the young men's families and sternly urge them to report any sightings of their sons, but they refused to answer any questions. Then, 20 years later, a television network reported that the two young men had been kidnapped by North Korean agents, along with scores of other people around the same time.....( New York Times, 18 Nov 02)
Japan to press N. Korea on further abductions
Japan will demand Pyongyang investigate the whereabouts of at least 80 more suspected abductees during the next round of diplomatic talks.....( Mainichi, 18 Nov 02)
GSDF, police hold drill to counter armed spy landing
The Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) and the police conducted a joint drill on Monday to prepare to deal with "armed spies" landing in Hokkaido.....( Japan Today, 18 Nov 02)
Former North Korean spy to testify before Japan Diet
A former North Korean intelligence agent is scheduled to testify on a wide range of issues concerning the communist state before Japan's House of Representatives on Wednesday...During the House hearing, the North Korean spy, whose Japanese name is Kenki Aoyama, is expected to reveal details on issues such as the North's abductions of Japanese citizens and the development of nuclear weapons and missile technology.....(JoongAng Ilbo, 18 Nov 02)
Armed and dangerous? Spy antics helped derail U.N.'s last Iraq mission
Israel handed U.N. weapons inspectors a "goody bag" of intelligence on Baghdad's elite security force. The Iraqis at one point enlisted chickens to dupe inspectors into thinking a bioweapons plant produced poultry feed. Throughout, the United Nations teams and the Iraqis vied in a high-tech, high-stakes battle of spies spying on spies.....( Seattle Times, 18 Nov 02)
Alliance fears spying habits will die hard
For a profession that thrives on the sinister and the strange, the four-day conference of spymasters was nonetheless unique and rather odd. Take the venue: a villa in the middle of Romania where the tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu used to while away his weekends. Or the sponsors: Luxembourg; a shady Romanian businessman; and the SRI, the Romanian secret police and successor to the dreaded Securitate.....( Guardian Unlimited, 18 Nov 02)
ASIO rejects power bid
ASIO is not interested in making a mad grab for power, the spy agency boss has said as debate continued over the need for a wider role for ASIO in the wake of September 11.....( The Australian, 18 Nov 02)
CIA searching out technologies to boost national security
The Central Intelligence Agency has come to stay in an area near you. In 1999, the CIA opened up a venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel, on Sand Hill Road -- the heart of Silicon Valley's venture capital community.....( Mercury News, 17 Nov 02)
Records Show FBI Probed Chess Great
Bobby Fischer, the eccentric chess prodigy who dueled Soviet grand masters and won a world title in 1972, was investigated by FBI agents who suspected his mother was a communist spy.....( AP, 17 Nov 02)
FBI watched chess champ; thought mother was a spy.....( Knight Ridder Newspapers, 17 Nov 02)
As majority of genius people, Bobby Fisher is inclined to eccentric doings.....(Pravda, 18 Nov 02)
Downed Spy Plane Is Back in the Air
The Navy spy plane downed after colliding with a Chinese fighter jet last year took its first test flight Friday, 16 months after it was shipped back to the United States in pieces.....( AP, 17 Nov 02)
In Brief: Ecclesiastical Secrets
...The Vatican didn't even have a bona fide intelligence department until World War I, when an undersecretary of state named Umberto Benigni organized one to spy not on other states or political leaders, but on Rome's own -- priests and theologians suspected of excessive liberalism and modernism.....( Washington Post, 17 Nov 02)
Spy Another Day - with Radio
As far back as 1917, a German citizen living in America named Max Hans Ludwig Wax, was arrested as a spy. After some questioning, police recovered a peculiar black box he had left in a New York City machine shop. Inside, they eventually found a wireless telegraph radio receiver but it wasn't until meticulous inspection revealed it.....(About Network, 16 Nov 02)
Bush Aides Consider Domestic Spy Agency
President Bush's top national security advisers have begun discussing the creation of a new, domestic intelligence agency that would take over responsibility for counterterrorism spying and analysis from the FBI, according to U.S. government officials and intelligence experts.....( Washington Post, 16 Nov 02)
Secrets and lies
Tales of espionage have always fired the imagination. Israeli spies operating behind enemy lines - Eli Cohen, for example - are still the stuff of patriotic stories. Conversely, spies dispatched by our enemies, especially those who are Jewish, are censured beyond reproach. The present book, written [in Hebrew] by journalists Eitan Haber and Yossi Melman, is about spies - Jews and non-Jews - who operated in Israel and passed on their secrets to hostile elements, in most cases to Eastern European and Arab intelligence services. .....( Ha'aretz, 16 Nov 02)
FBI Plays Favorites in Discipline, Report Says
Senior FBI managers have frequently received more favorable treatment than lower-level employees in high-profile investigations of alleged bureau misconduct, leading to "the strong perception that a double standard of discipline" exists in the FBI, according to a report released yesterday....( Washington Post, 16 Nov 02)
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