Here's How You Can Attack America.
Colonel Panic.
Leverage is a word to conjure with,as a force multiplier it could move the planet.
What does our mutual enemy fear most?

How to combine a physical attack with a cyberattack.

"...There has always been talk of dire attacks, such as "digital Pearl Harbor." Do you think we will see something like that before we get secured, or can we move fast enough to secure the infrastructure?

That's really hard to answer. You are basically asking me what keeps me up at night. And to answer that, I wouldn't say this is going to be the mother of all attacks. Who knows what they are going to try? You saw that even the attacks on the top-level domains didn't have much of an effect. I think they demonstrated the robustness and resiliency of the Internet in general.

The worst threat is a combination of a physical attack and then a cyberattack that would disable the response. So if there was another horrendous bombing attack and then someone disabled 911 emergency responders or screwed with the traffic lights, that would be a pretty significant nightmare scenario..."

What can liddle ol me do?
Well you might be surprised.
Remember how fucked up things get with a lot of false alarms?
The USA is expecting a major attack soon,as a force multiplier par exellance,agent anthrax might chip in and thats where we come in.
With the webphone,remailers and mobile/public secure terminals,false alarms can flood in from anywhere on the planet.
Enough to bring the homeland security completly undone.
They have to answer every emergency call.This may seem cold blooded but their own CIA put out this book* that justifies murder so turn about is only fair play.
Poetic justice really.SAYONARA GLOBOCOP!


[no rats were harmed in the creation of this webpage.]

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