The Cybercrime Act gives police the power to search computer networks 
across different locations and force individuals to reveal encryption keys
Mr Taylor said computer users could also face prosecution for failing to 
hand over encryption keys, even if they forgot their password.(greg Taylor EFA)
Alternatives to Passport
The Liberty group argues such specifications should be based on open 
standards and not controlled by a single company. Microsoft also says it 
supports an open model for authentication based on internet standards.
"We agree and have said for some time that no one company should be in 
control of such a system," Microsoft spokesman Erik Denny said.
Previously announced founders and members of the Liberty Alliance 
management board include Bell Canada, Global Crossing, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, 
Openwave Systems, RealNetworks, RSA Security, Sony, United Airlines and 

Internet bank in the black
Correspondents in London
DECEMBER 14, 2001
BRITAIN'S pioneering internet bank, Egg, said today it had hatched a profit 
last month for the first time since its launch two years ago.
Egg, which was part-floated by its parent, insurance group Prudential, in 
June last year, said it had pulled in 1.9 million customers and had hit its 
profitability target.
"At our IPO in June 2000, we committed to break even at some point during 
the fourth quarter of this year. Today, we are pleased to announce that our 
management accounts for November show that Egg has made a profit for the 
month," it said.
Egg stock rose 0.6 per cent to 155 pence ($4.30)in a lower overall market 
on the news.
Agence France-Presse
  Net defamation reaches top court
Matthew Spencer
DECEMBER 15, 2001 THE High Court will be the first top court in the world 
to rule on the boundaries of defamation in cyberspace, having agreed to 
hear an appeal from Dow Jones after the US publisher implied mining magnate 
Joseph Gutnick was a money launderer.
Gutnick says case should be heard in OZ cos info could be printed out 
there(!) The guy has others do his laundering while he buys up land for 
armed zionist fundamentalist fanatics in occupied palestine.
New life for Grand Theft Auto 3
Caitlin Fitzsimmons
DECEMBER 14, 2001
THE banned PlayStation 2 game, Grand Theft Auto 3, is likely to be recoded 
and could return to Australian stores by February.
The game, which is one of the most popular PS2 games worldwide, was refused 
classification by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) 
because of implied scenes of sexual violence.
The game had been launched a month earlier with an MA15+ advisory sticker 
because of an apparent misunderstanding between the distributors, Take 2 
Interactive, and the OFLC.
But after the OFLC ban and a failed appeal, it is now illegal to sell or 
demonstrate the game anywhere in Australia.
Take 2 Interactive managing director James Ellingford said he was in 
discussions with the developer to modify the game to pass Australia's 
censorship guidelines.
The expense of the product recall, recoding the game and reprinting the 
discs would be "significant".
Mr Ellingford said he was waiting for the final report from the OFLC and a 
face-to-face meeting to discuss the specific problems before he would "push 
the button" for recoding to start.
He expected to give the go-ahead on December 20 and the best-case scenario 
would see the game back on shelves by January 25.
Take 2 Interactive planned to launch a version of the game in PC format by 
March, but there were no plans at this stage to develop it for Microsoft's 
Grand Theft Auto 3 is one of a new breed of highly realistic games that 
give complete freedom to the player within the game world.
The player is cast as a gangster who car-jacks vehicles and performs 
contract work for various crime bosses.
The game contains a scene in which the player can hire a prostitute - 
although the graphics are limited to a shaking car parked under a tree - 
but this is not required to complete the game.
The OFLC objected to the fact that the player can bash and kill the 
prostitute for money after having sex with her.
Cant wait for Grand Theft Crypto.

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