>>On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, mattd wrote: > Technology is the sum of mediations 
between us and the natural world and > the sum of those separations 
mediating us from each other.

 >>Technology is science applied with a purpose.<<

My posts here are random noise with purpose that remains a mystery.JC.

  >>Science is understanding an 'event' in the abstract,

Dont bother with that messy experimental observation,data collection stuff.

  >>usually including or requiring a mathematical expression. It's most 
useful when it is predictive, but there are categorical sciences as well.<<

Oh,small S science,I see.Words can have 2 meanings.Maybe even more than 2!?

  >>Operations Research is about how to string the pieces together in a 
workable system, with as little waste as possible.<<

Unless your a DoD contractor/subbie .Operation soft drill is collecting 
proffr dollar pledges to shoot this twit.

 >>Economics is how to pay for it. <<

APster is how we club together enough to wack out Tim May as a 'control" 
for the applied science of assassinating the 'W'

 >>Depends on what one is meaning by 'anonymous'.

Or 'technology'

 >>Context is quite important. <<

On the internet it means being able to move around without anyone being 
able to track or trace you.Its done every split second.

 >>Can somebody go through their entire life completely anonymously?<<

The unabomber was doing OK till he unloaded to much text.Some guy lived on 
an island for 17 years alone.

  >>Not likely. Email on the internet? Likely, if they are very careful and 
nobody has any reason to suspect them of anything for some other reason.<<

I suspect jim choate is a spamming menace.

  >>It's a set theory sort of issue. <<

*Yawn* Revenge of the nerds,jimmy,are we not Punks?

 >>Thinks like 'signature analysis' come in handy.<<

Thorazine for you jimmy,your getting timmies disease.

 >> When people engage in ANY activity there is 'evidence' left behind. The 
trick is to understand the (hopefully) distinctive differences in different 
activities. Then one can 'measure' the sample at the site and (supposedly 
within some delta of error) determine what did happen. <<

Jim Choate;spam detective

 >>The only way to be truly anonymous would be to never leave any sort of 
evidence. That's (at least for any practical intent or purpose) impossible. <<

Like you extracting your head from your ass?

Eurobilge latest from the belgian foreign minister;"The European Rapid 
Reaction Force must declare itself operational without such a declaration 
being based on any true capability." Sheer oat attack?

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