Title: Jane's Naval Forces News Briefs: 20 November 2002
20 November 2002

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US Navy's focused mission ship concept studies awarded
Read more here . . .
[Jane's Navy International - 19 November 2002]

Wider roles for RMS?
Lockheed Martin has made a study of potential future upgrades and modifications to its AN/WLD-1 Remote Minehunting Systems (RMS) to broaden considerably the role and scope of missions that the system could undertake, even before it enters into full-scale service with the US Navy (USN).
[Jane's Defence Upgrades - first posted to http://jdu.janes.com - 16 November 2002]

Design options revealed for US Navy combat ship
Details have emerged about radical new designs that could be used for the US Navy's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), and the industrial teams that are offering them (Jane's Defence Weekly 3 July).
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 16 November 2002]

Canadian Navy cuts back
The Canadian Navy is cutting back on operations and ship maintenance as it copes with the continuing high-tempo demands of the US-led Operation 'Enduring Freedom' (OEF) and decreasing budgets.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 16 November 2002]

QinetiQ tests integrated waste management demonstrator
UK research and technology group QinetiQ has begun a 45-day trial of a land-based Integrated Waste-Management System Technology Demonstrator (IWMSTD) designed to prove out enabling technologies that could realise an environmentally independent warship for the UK Royal Navy (RN) in the 2015 timeframe.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 12 November 2002]

Upgraded SLAM-ER enters USN service
The US Navy's (USN) AGM-84H Stand-off Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) has been upgraded with a new Automatic Target Acquisition (ATA) system and is now cleared for operational use following a positive operational evaluation report signed on 3 September.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 12 November 2002]

Dutch team explores integrated topside design
Thales Nederland and the TNO research institute have embarked on a three-year study to investigate a future integrated topside sensor suite under contract to the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) Directorate Materiel. Two-thirds of funding for the programme is coming from the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 12 November 2002]


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