
Business Wire
 February 01, 2005 10:03 AM US Eastern Timezone

Peiter ''Mudge'' Zatko, Information Security Expert -- Who Warned that
Hackers ''Could Take Down the Internet in 30 Minutes'' -- Returns to BBN

  CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 1, 2005--BBN Technologies, an
advanced technology and research and development firm, announced today that
Peiter Zatko has re-joined the company as a division scientist. Mr. Zatko
joins a group of over 75 scientists and engineers at BBN who perform
leading edge research and development to protect Department of Defense data
and systems and are also well known for their IP security expertise. At a
time when cyber threats are occurring at an unprecedented rate, Mr. Zatko
is focused on anticipating and protecting against the next generation of
information and network security threats to government and commercial

 Known to the security community as "Mudge," Mr. Zatko has a long track
record of success in the security industry, most recently as founding
scientist of Intrusic, Inc., the first security software company to target
the 'Insider Threat.' He is renowned for running L0pht Heavy Industries
(and later founding @stake, Inc.), a hacker research collaborative and
consultancy that released security tools such as L0phtCrack, now the
industry standard Microsoft password-auditing tool.

 "It's exciting to be back at BBN, working alongside the very people who
helped invent the Internet and defending against some of the toughest
information warfare threats," said Mr. Zatko. "I've often said that my
personal mission is to 'make a dent in the universe' and what better place
to do that than at BBN, where the focus is on protecting vital networks
from the most critical and challenging attacks."

 Mr. Zatko testified before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs in
1998 and warned that, if they were so inclined, any member of L0pht could
bring down the Internet in 30 minutes and keep it down for several days. He
has also been a witness for the House and Senate Joint Judiciary Oversight
committee, and, in 2000, was invited to participate in a security summit
with former U.S. President Bill Clinton and ex-Attorney General Janet Reno.

 "BBN is currently tackling some of the toughest security problems for our
government and high-profile corporations," said Tad Elmer, president, BBN
Technologies. "This challenging environment is what people like Mudge find
most rewarding."

 Mr. Zatko is the developer of L0phtCrack (now LC5), the de-facto Microsoft
password auditing tool; AntiSniff, the world's first remote promiscuous
system detector that was used across primary Department of Defense
entities; Tempwatch, now a distributed component of Linux and BSD
distributions; and SLINT, a pioneering tool in automating source code
analysis to discover security coding problems.

 He originally joined BBN Technologies in 1994, before founding @Stake and
Intrusic and consulting for the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI, and
Fortune 500 companies.

 About BBN

 BBN Technologies, an advanced technology and research and development
firm, is focused on solving some of the world's most pressing problems.
>From national security, information security, speech recognition and
language translation, to integrating disparate systems and networks, BBN
has been at the forefront of technological change for over 50 years.

 Known for pioneering the development of the ARPANET, the forerunner of the
Internet, BBN continues to create advances in Internet and networking
technologies through its work on ad hoc networking, the semantic web,
quantum communications, and advanced protocols. Building on its substantial
list of firsts, BBN operates the first metro quantum cryptography network,
the first real-time foreign broadcast monitoring system, and has developed
the world's first stereoscopic digital mammography system. For more
information, visit BBN.com
BBN Technologies Contact:
Joyce Kuzmin, 617-873-8193
Agency Contact:
Christine Milligan, 978-468-8951
R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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