yay yay ROCK yay woohoo etc
perth.indymedia is now official. we are now part of the GLOBAL indymedia collective...[ perth.indymedia.org ] .
thanks mobs to every person who has posted a story or comment or supported this project... perth.imc formed as a collective voice of dissent against the noise of corporate media.. [ perth.indymedia.org]
REPEAT: we are official: that url again is [ perth.indymedia.org ]. post yr stories, comments and action-building ideas... lets go go go. viva la revolutiona. [ perth.indymedia.org ] join the mailing list to engage in the decision-making process of the group
PLEASE POST regularly and frequently to perth.indymedia NEWSWIRES keep us fresh and relevant to underground culture and active networks.
U R invited to the dismantling of the construct.|||||| be the fucking media...|||||| get active.... post your hed off. WAAAAAKE UP!
FSU thankyou thankyou thankyou [ perth.indymedia.org] Post yr comments and congrats RIGHT here...

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