PDPR: Claiming its Place in the $2 Billion Prosthetics Industry


A NEW public Company specializing in the
National needs of Infant-Pediatric Prosthetics

The national prosthetics industry is estimated at nearly $2 billion annually and is extremely fragmented. In this fragmentation, PDPR has developed a strong niche by focusing on the infant-pediatric prosthetics segment. This segment requires specialized expertise to meet the needs of these babies and their families.

PDPR is the only infant-pediatric prosthetics company focusing on the unique needs of these babies born with a limb loss.

If a child lost an arm in an accident, the entire national medical community would go into high gear. They do everything to try to quickly replace the loss. PDPR knows that accidents happen before birth too. One tiny fiber, designed to support the fetus in the mother's womb, sometimes breaks, and somehow loops around the baby's tiny little arm or leg, and keeps it from developing. Sometimes an unknowable and unfortunate combination of genes can cause the loss.

These losses have created a need in the industry that must be filled to enable these infants the best chance to develop.

The management team of PDPR is nationally recognized as the leading prosthetists in the infant-pediatric prosthetics field. PDRP's management has recently been featured in, "Orthotics & Prosthetics Business News", written up in "Life Magazine", and some of the fitted children have appeared on national TV shows, including "Good Morning America", "Maury Povich", "Phil Donahue", and "20-20".

Children ages 4 to 14 comprise of 5% of the total $2 billion prosthetic market, $100 million. The vast majority of this 5% pediatric prosthetic market derives from babies born with a limb loss.

There are approximately 145,000 first time amputations each year. Of these 145,000 first time amputations, less than 1% or approximately 1,000 babies are born with a limb loss. PDPR is the only infant-pediatric prosthetics company focusing on these unique needs today.

By focusing on the infant-pediatric need, PDPR will generate a consistent revenue stream by servicing their clients from childhood to adulthood. This "annuity effect" should compound earnings year after year and enable PDPR to enjoy stable growth.

The economic cost from infancy to adulthood is anticipated to be over $200,000 for a below elbow amputee. Adults will spend an additional $200,000 on their artificial arms. Revenue growth is directly correlated with the physical growth of the children.

The PDPR management team is nationally recognized and without question the leading prosthetists in the infant-pediatric prosthetics field.

PDPR has developed a strong niche in the nearly $2 billion a year industry by addressing the specialized infant-pediatric need.

PDPR is the only company specializing in the National needs of the Infant-Pediatric Prosthetics

By targeting the infant-pediatric need, PDPR will generate a consistent revenue stream by servicing their clients from childhood to adulthood. This "annuity effect" should compound earnings year after year and enable PDPR to enjoy stable growth.

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