2003-11-18 Thread JOHN KOMALO
Hello, With warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope This letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to Receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I propose


2003-11-03 Thread willy 001
ATT:SIR I am DR UGO WILLIAMS , Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football Association, parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local Organizing Committee, an affiliate of Federation of International Football Association (FIFA). In the course of our preparation to host the


2003-09-27 Thread MR PETER KUMARZ ZHIRI
Good Day, with warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I


2003-08-28 Thread benjamin nwafor
DEAR SIR, I am DR BENJAMIN NWAFOR , Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football Association, parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local Organizing Committee, an affiliate of Federation of International Football Association (FIFA). In the course of our preparation to host the


2003-08-09 Thread MR PETER KUMARZ ZHIRI
Good Day, with warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I


2003-07-29 Thread Mr Basher.
Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to start by way of introducing myself. I am the son of the late president of The Federal Republic Of Zaire,President Mobutu Sese Seko,( now The Republic Of Congo, under the leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent Kabila ). I presume you are aware there is a financial dispute

Plea for assistance

2003-07-22 Thread alloy ernest
Dear Sir I am DR ALLOY ERNEST, Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football Association, parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local Organizing Committee, an affiliate of Federation of International Football Association (FIFA). In the course of our preparation to host

plea for assistance

2003-07-22 Thread DR MARK COLLINS
DEAR SIR, I am DR mark collins , Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football Association, parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local Organizing Committee, an affiliate of Federation of International Football Association (FIFA). In the course of our preparation to host the World


2003-03-28 Thread mohammed2t
From: Mohammed Abacha I wish to introduce myself to you and the reason for my reaching out to you. I am Muhammad Abacha the son of the late military head of state General Sani Abacha who died mysteriously on the 8th of June 1998. Following the death of my father Gen. Sani Abacha, elections were


2003-03-28 Thread cpunks_anon
From: Mohammed Abacha I wish to introduce myself to you and the reason for my reaching out to you. I am Muhammad Abacha the son of the late military head of state General Sani Abacha who died mysteriously on the 8th of June 1998. Following the death of my father Gen. Sani Abacha, elections were