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Press Release
Source: Cryptography Research, Inc.

Paul Kocher to Address Researchers at CHES 2004 Conference
Wednesday August 11, 8:03 am ET

Security Expert Shares Insights on the Future of Applied Crypto

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- As the use of secure smartcards and
other embedded systems continues to grow, the security and tamper
resistance of these devices is becoming increasingly important, according
to Paul Kocher, president and chief scientist at Cryptography Research,
Inc. Kocher will discuss his vision of the challenges and solutions ahead
for these systems at the upcoming Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded
Systems (CHES) 2004 conference.

Kocher will present his views at an invited lecture, "From Proof to
Practice: Real-World Cryptography," at CHES, the world's leading research
conference in applied tamper resistance, at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, August 13
at the Boston Marriott Cambridge Hotel.

A pioneer in the field of differential power analysis (DPA) and
countermeasures, Kocher will discuss the issues involved in building
trustworthy cryptographic components that provide relying parties with
"rational confidence" in security. "You need to have security that is both
effective and that is verifiable by relying parties, since either one
without the other is useless," Kocher explains.

According to Kocher, one of the most difficult unsolved research problems
in security and cryptography is to find effective ways to manage the risks
created by the combination of human fallibility and the increasing
complexity of modern security systems. "Traditional engineering approaches
simply do not produce robust security," Kocher said. "At Cryptography
Research, we've been learning to manage this problem by applying risk
mitigation approaches from more established industries, such as aviation
and medicine." Kocher's talk will describe some of these approaches and
lessons, as well as open research problems where additional work is needed.

About Paul Kocher

Paul Kocher has gained an international reputation for his consulting work
and academic research in cryptography. His research projects have included
designing and co-authoring SSL v3.0, discovering timing attack
cryptanalysis, and architecting the record-breaking DES Key Search machine,
Deep Crack. At Cryptography Research, he led the team that discovered
Differential Power Analysis, as well as the countermeasures for securing
smart cards and other devices against these attacks.

About Cryptography Research, Inc.

Cryptography Research, Inc. provides consulting services and technology to
solve complex security problems. In addition to security evaluation and
applied engineering work, CRI is actively involved in long-term research in
areas including tamper resistance, content protection, network security and
financial services. The company has a broad portfolio of patents covering
countermeasures to differential power analysis and other vulnerabilities,
and is committed to helping companies produce secure smart cards and other
tamper resistant devices. Security systems designed by Cryptography
Research engineers annually protect more than $60 billion of commerce for
wireless, telecommunications, financial, digital television and Internet
industries. For additional information or to arrange a consultation with a
member of the technical staff, please contact Jennifer Craft at
415-397-0123, ext. 329 or visit www.cryptography.com.

 Source: Cryptography Research, Inc.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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