The Republicans had a big victory on Tuesday night. It was a great victory for President Bush – and if you count the presidential election this is the first victory he’s had.
Things went so well that the Supreme Court took the night off.
Republicans had a big victory on Tuesday night. They say the problem the Democrats had was that they did not articulate their message – you know you’re in trouble when you get out-articulated by President Bush.
In Nevada voters rejected a ballot measure to legalize small amounts of pot. Voters decided that legalizing marijuana would send the wrong message to Nevada’s young gamblers and prostitutes.
Jeb Bush won in Florida, elected to another term as Governor. He said he’d fix those voting machines, looks like he did a hell of a job.
They say that Jeb is the smart son. What does that say about the family when the smartest one is named Jeb?
The President’s brother Jeb Bush won re-election for Governor in Florida. In fact he won so well that he didn’t need to use the crooked voting machines.
Wasn’t it uplifting though to see Walter Mondale come back just one last time for another ass whipping?
Republicans are happy! Jeb Bush won in Florida. President Bush was very pleased, he said he was happy but also amazed because not only did Jeb win, but he also had more votes too. AD BREAK...
November fundraising drive for
posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Friday November 08 2002 @ 11:26AM PST
Support and its ongoing efforts to give the rich and powerful sleepless nights...

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