Please God make America collapse. (arabic)
Yes it is I.The one who caused you pain unto death speaks to you now from Paradise.I was enjoying it so much its hard to turn away,yet...
It is time for prayers.
'Please God, make America collapse'
uploaded 08 Dec 2002
Mohammad Fadal al-Samarai, a Muslim cleric in central Baghdad, left his congregation in no doubt yesterday about how they should assess mounting US pressure on Iraq. "Please God keep us safe from the betrayal of the infidel country, and keep them fighting each other," he said as he led the Friday prayers in the Saadeia al-Omari mosque in the smart Mansour district.

"Please God make America collapse. Please God destroy the Jews."

He did not have to make explicit mention of the crucial moment today when the Iraqi government will hand over to the UN what ought to be a "currently accurate, full and complete declaration" of its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programmes.

Every Iraqi gathered in the crowded mosque, like most across the country, was fully aware just how close they are to a potentially devastating war with America.

Most, in public at least, appear to share Dr Samarai's bitter frustration and anger.

"Please God give us martyrdom but keep us strong on the day of battle," Dr Samarai said.

The cleric's words found a receptive audience in the households of Mansour.

Dr Samarai is a widely respected religious leader, a man with a doctorate in economics, who frequently illustrates his religious teachings with reams of statistics. His congregation is largely middle class, comprising those who have perhaps suffered most from 12 years of UN sanctions.

It includes men such as Ahmed Riad, a doctor who speaks flawless English and who was deeply impressed by his cleric's words. "Once, this country was rich," he said. "We had roads, schools, hospitals, the best health system in the region.

"Iraq became a serious worry because the US wants Israel to be the strongest country in the Middle East. Now they tell us we can't run our country and they want to run it for us. Is this fair?"

Dr Riad said he felt US foreign policy had become a personal assault on the Arab and Muslim world, a refrain now common across the Middle East. "It is not true that we are terrorists because we are Muslims," he said. "We are all brothers in religion, followers of God."

A recent Gallup poll found that one in two Americans believes in extrasensory perception. Fifty-four percent believe in psychic or spiritual healing so I hope your channeling a little of this...God IS Great.
The youths of world Jihad are preparing for you things that would fill your hearts with terror and target your economic lifeline until you stop your oppression and aggression.It is still difficult to measure the impact that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, had on the U.S. economy. What is undeniable is that the attacks shook the U.S. and global economies, and that lesson may be taken to heart,capitalism can be destroyed by capitalists.The United States government is terrified of the growing movement for global justice. It's not just in this country, it's all over the world.They understand that their previously unchallenged power is no longer going to be unchallenged. Similar to what happened in Vietnam...although different, more intense in a way that I still can't comprehend. All I do know is that their imperialist order is being threatened like no other time in U.S. history and I think they're beginning to understand it and they're about to panic.
I despise you. I despise your order, your laws, your force-propped authority.M.Attar.
A shadowy figure in a terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters to target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American citizens.
The United States has declared war, he said in a radio message to armed freedom fighters Our obligation is to fight them.Anyone who destroys American interests, consulates, all missionary organisations, McDonald's, KFC, Shell or Caltex petrol pumps or American Express, or anyone who cuts off the head of an American, you will be given complete protection and a special place in paradise.
Hassan-I-Sabbah also lives. . . the only spiritual leader with anything to say in the Space Age.

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