Police chief shot dead in Nepal
BBC - 2 hours ago
The chief of Nepal's armed police force has been shot dead in the capital, Kathmandu, by suspected Maoist rebels, police said.
Nepal police chief assassinated CNN Asia
Maoists kill Nepal police chief Times of India
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Wives of P.I.G.S,get them out now,you don't have much longer.
KATHMANDU, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Unidentified gunmen shot dead the chief of Nepal's anti-rebel police force on the outskirts of the capital Kathmandu early on Sunday, police said. Krishna Mohan Shrestha, inspector-general of the Nepal Armed Police set up to fight a Maoist insurgency, is the most senior police official to be killed in Nepal since 1996 when the rebels launched a revolt to overthrow the monarchy. No group has claimed responsibility for the killing, police said. Police said Shrestha was shot by the gunmen while he was taking a morning walk with his wife and body guard, both of whom were also killed.

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