Police given computer spy powers
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By Rob O'Neill
December 13, 2004
Federal and state police now have the power to use computer spyware to gather 
evidence in a broad range of investigations after legal changes last week.

The Surveillance Devices Act allows police to obtain a warrant to use software 
surveillance technologies, including systems that track and log keystrokes on a 
computer keyboard. The law applies to the Australian Federal Police and to 
state police investigating Commonwealth offences.

Critics have called the law rushed and imbalanced, saying police will be able 
to secretly install software to monitor email, online chats, word processor and 
spreadsheets entries and even bank personal identification numbers and 

Irene Graham, executive director of watchdog Electronic Frontiers Australia, 
said the law went too far in allowing police surveillance.

"The legislation has been passed without the proper scrutiny and the ALP is too 
afraid to stick to their guns and oppose it," she said.

Ms Graham also believed the act could override parts of the Telecommunications 
Interception Act, which tightly regulated telecommunications monitoring.

A spokesperson for the federal Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, denied this, 
saying the act specifically said it should not be read to override the 
Telecommunications Interception Act.

The spokesperson said there were protections in the legislation, including 
reporting to Parliament and allowing reviews by the Ombudsman.

In addition to redefining the kinds of surveillance devices that can be used, 
the Surveillance Devices Act allows surveillance for offences far less serious 
than those allowed under the Telecommunications Interception Act. Warrants to 
intercept telecommunications can only be obtained to investigate offences 
carrying a maximum jail term of seven years or more. However, Surveillance 
Devices Act warrants can be obtained for offences carrying a maximum sentence 
of three years.

Ms Graham said the three-year benchmark was too low and the act went too far in 
setting out circumstances in which police could use surveillance devices.

A warrant could be obtained under the act if an officer had reasonable grounds 
to suspect an offence had been or might be committed and a surveillance device 
was necessary to obtain evidence. They can also be obtained in child recovery 

The act also has secrecy provisions making it an offence to publish information 
on an application for, or the existence of, a surveillance warrant.

The Government said the act would consolidate and modernise the law. Mr Ruddock 
said the power of Commonwealth law enforcement using surveillance devices 
lagged behind what technology made possible and what was permitted in other 

However, Electronic Frontiers is concerned that key-logging software can even 
record words written and then deleted or changed and thoughts that are not 
intended for communication.

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