Bloggerheads 65 inbound blogs, 76 inbound links Created 2 hours 11 minutes ago (Cosmos)
US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush.
SixDifferentWays 53 inbound blogs, 58 inbound links Created 1 hour 48 minutes ago (Cosmos)
"Thousands of marines have been given a pamphlet called "A Christian's Duty," a mini prayer book which includes a tear-out section to be mailed to the White House pledging the soldier who sends it in has been praying for Bush." Goddamn I don't understand religion... 5 inbound blogs, 7 inbound links Created 2 hours 46 minutes ago (Cosmos) US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush “ Thousands of marines have been given a pamphlet called "A Christian's Duty," a mini prayer book which includes a tear-out section to be mailed to the White House pledging the soldier who sends it in has been praying for Bush. ”

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