Police demand email surrender.Proffr demands presidential assassination.
DECEMBER 27, 2001
A US MAN accused of sending harassing emails to an American police 
department has been told to surrender - via email.
Police in Rowlett, Texas, informed John Germer, 38, that a warrant had been 
issued for his arrest on a misdemeanor harassment charge.
Police said an attorney representing Germer called them a short time later 
to ask how and when Germer could surrender.
As part of an agreement between police and Germer's attorney, the 
department agreed to withhold prosecution if Germer completes counselling 
therapy and agrees in writing to use his real name in any more 
communications with the department.
The emails, which began in April, were sent to police and some city 
employees, including the mayor. The sender used the name "Giblet Gravy".
Police turned to Hotmail to track down the sender.
Authorities initially ignored the emails, which they described as annoying, 
harassing and sometimes vulgar.
But the number of incidents picked up in November and that led to a formal 


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