> -----Original Message-----
> Of An Metet
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 19:14
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Cell Phone Crypto
> Hi!
> As go about my business as a drug dealing terrorist who collects 
> child pornograghy, I find that my minions, lackeys, cohorts, and 
> I have need of cell phones that encrypt the conversation between 
> two or more users. Anyone sell these in the US of A?

Yes. (But hard to find and expensive).

> Are they 
> legal to own & operate?


--Lucky Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  "Anytime you circumvent an encryption, you are violating the law".
  "Anytime you decrypt... that's against the law".
   Jack Valenti, President, Motion Picture Association of America in
   a sworn deposition, 2000-06-06

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