Upcoming TV:
Friday, Nov 8 from 5p-6p on Court TV: CI Centre Professor David Major and CBS Hanssen movie director Lawrence Schiller are interviewed by Catherine Crier.
Saturday, Nov 16 from 8p-10p on History Channel: "Traitors Within" focuses on 1985--"the year of the spy" including when Hanssen began spying for the second time. CI Centre professors David Major, Oleg Kalugin and Paul Moore are interviewed.
More CI on TV
"He was the master spy, the perfect spy, the Le Carre perfect spy. And that means to be the perfect spy, you have to be the perfect spy for a long period of time. Not just once. And the longer he does it, the better the rush."
--CI Centre Professor David Major on Robert Hanssen
Mmm,H seems to be Sorging ahead of Philby in the top spy top ten.
A big plug from the west virginnie farmboys...
Statement by CIA Spokesman Bill Harlow
What do you do when your new book lands on the market with a resounding thud? One school of thought is to write something outrageous in the newspapers to try to attract attention to yourself and the book. Sadly, that is the course author David Wise adopted.....(CIA Press Release, 8 Nov 02)
Click here to read the NY Times Op-Ed by David Wise
Click here to read the text of the letter from CIA Director George Tenet to Random House, Inc.
Council Attacks D.C. Surveillance Cameras
The D.C. Council yesterday lambasted the city police department's system of surveillance cameras, with several members saying vehemently that they did not want the technology -- now an entrenched part of D.C. police operations -- to be used at all.....( Washington Post, 8 Nov 02)
The spy who came in from the cold
Copenhagen Municipal Court got an unusual dose of cloak and dagger this Tuesday, when the former chief of the East German Stasi testified against the Church of Scientology in a case involving the libel of a Danish journalist.....( Copenhagen Post, 7 Nov 02)
The NOC list is in the OPEN!
Chancellor of Justice: Security Police can decide whether to publish Stasi lists
Authorities in Germany have given SUPO access to two lists containing names of people believed to have collaborated with Stasi, the former East German espionage agency.....( Helsinki Sanomat, 7 Nov 02)
Intelligence agencies are able to use the secrecy that cloaks their operations to conceal their failings...that's why we need anarchists to totally destroy the state.

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