The War on Anarchism. (english)
profrv@(nospam) 12:59pm Sat Dec 21 '02

In the last six months we have seen an attack on all anarchists by a committee from the EZLN,and signed by SC Marcos.In the last week we have seen FBI surveillance of Infoshop and now a viscious smear on some venezuelan comrades.WTF?

I have not been able to access Infoshop and Ainfos for hours now,are they still up?
The Infoshop mirror is without the interactive news.
The Fascist Global Maniac Police State is working down a very long list of enemies and anarchists have always been on that list.The red scare and the Palmer raids led to anarchist deportations,while various local yokel US fascist pig governments have hung,drawn and slaughted anarchists,notably in Chicago and Boston.
The Globocop regards property destruction as equal to and often worse than actual rape and murder.Just look at the 23 year sentence handed out to Jeff,'Free',Luers.Even before 9-11 the rogue terror state was hunting teenage vandels as 'terrorists' and pushing the sort of punitive penalties that used to dished out for smoking a joint in Texas,40 years ago.
(white panthers)
If your an anarchist you might feel like a beads being drawn on you and you know who's not helping?
A couple of self described anarchists!
I have responded to the Al and Nessie show here and at SF Indy.I know Nessie is allergic to reasoned debate and Al is all tied up right now with the MORAL CRISIS in Venez so I wont rehash that except to say that the group they slagged off so iresponsibly is innocent till proven guilty and should be given the chance to face their rotten accusers face to face.
I'd like to see that.
The notion that anarchists can be stampeded into supporting various armed Caudillos and betray all they stood for should be treated with the contempt it deserves.Even if the little magazine turned out to be financed by the CIA,the bully boy tactics of Al,Nessie and the SC Marcos 'committee' have proven beyond reasonable doubt where these low dogs squat in the dirt.
FUCK the FAKE Anarchists!

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