>> Interesting to note that the system you bash, for the sake of argument 
lets call it "timmayism" is really in favor of individual freedom (Tim, if 
you are not a libertarian, which is what I believe you to be, given your 
writtings, please correct me) <<

Well Tim just pissed on the faces of the Lib party faithful in a very 
recent post.Let the archive correct you.

 >>so things like "domination", "exploitation", "profit", etc... are 
perfectly acceptable so long as two people consentualy enter into an 
agreement. <<

Like those agreements that turned Thoreu into an implacable foe of the 
state? What planet are you living on?

 >>The simple problem with what you are describing is that is translates 
into "mattd decides whats is good for everyone else" <<

According to APster there can be no "assassination politics Tsar",Whats to 
stop a few quad anons lurking here to have me killed.My whereabouts and 
description are known.

 >>The very basic proof of this is that, given what you are writting, if I 
enter into an agreement with Mr. May to rent his property, an agreement I 
am perfectly acceptable to and that I am perfectly free to decline to enter 
into; he is being an evil landlor-profiteer. I am perfectly happy with the 
situation, but by your standards that wasn't a "free" (your definition of 
free baffles me) exchange.<<

Your free to enter tammies asshole,you seem easily baffled.Would you like 
to buy a bridge?

 >>Hey! I think Lenin might like talking to you, knock on Stalin's door 
too, since you just described communism. <<

The right scream 'commies' at us while the MLers scream 'Fash! ' This is 
how we know we are on the open road to Anarchy.

 >>| Anarchism is a variant of socialism an7ar7chism (nr-kzm) n. The theory 
or doctrine that all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and 
should be abolished. so7cial7ism (ssh-lzm) n. Any of various theories or 
systems of social organization in which the means of producing and 
distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government 
that often plans and controls the economy. Pick one, stick to it.

Ah...Libertarian socialism? Anarchism is shorter.I'm picking my nose,you 
can stick to your funkin wagnells.

 >>Maybe your read on "free market" is different then mine, but I would say 
a worker has as much right to not work at a company as the employer has to 
not employ that worker if he chooses not to. <<

Todays free markets would not survive the collapse of govts.Tammy may used 
to pretend to be a 'crypto-anarchist',in favor of the ,'collapse of 
govts'.Its getting harder to do that now with all these real anarchists 
about.Choose the two headed dog,anarcho-capitalism as is your free right.Im 
not trying to convert anyone.Good luck with it.

 >>Anarchism also stands against state socialism and "Communism," because...
  Isn't this a little different than what you said earlier? <<

Im against state socialism and "Communism" What did I say before? Im only 
human so I sometimes express contradictions.Im opposed to violence in 
politics and paradoxically support APster.Go figure.

 >>Anarchism is a very often misunderstood political theory (not ideology,<<
 >> Hey, enlighten us, show us some background studies, show us some 
legitimate writtings and test cases to prove what you say. I would imagine 
I am not alone in thinking you are full of shit with nothing to 
substantiate what you have to say. <<

Google is my home page.I have no other God than Google.There is only one 

 >>because ideology means a fixed set of prescribed ideas that are

Interesting that you should bring this up. We have seen nothing from
you that falls outside this category. In fact, we have seen nothing
from you that is worthwhile period. But since others might not know
this and because some of us feel bored,<<

Very punk of you,cool.

  we respond. If you really
care about the topics you blab about, then get yourself away from
that computer you must spend hours upon hours in front of, get
yourself into a library and in a few years, come on out and lets
have intelligent discussions. Read up on different political ideas
and systems, different ideologies and pick the one you like best.<<

Like Read in the encyclopedia brittanica on anarchism?Yeah I havent seen 
that yet.

 >>The impression one gets from reading what you write (other than,
what the fuck, this list used to have decent shit on it)<<

When Jimmy B was here is still interesting reading,soightonly.

 >> is that you
have no idea what you are talking about, you musta picked up a
little pamplet somewhere that said "anarchy is cool, we bust up
stores in the name of freedom" and gone with it.<<

Dear Abbie,shame he's not with us and creeps like tammy may are.

  >>If you are just
wasting our time here, which is the more likely explanation, then
well, I just hope you don't actually believe the shit you write,
there are plenty other stupid people in the world, it would have
been nice if this list didn't attract as many as it seems to. --Gabe

Well we didnt approach the godwin la-grange point so maybe Ill keep writing 
this list till some patents run out.There's some thing called a filter? 
tammy may show you how to use it.Dont let him pick your pockets,or 
cornpatch ya though.

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