May,the famous crypto-fascist,(leftists AND rightists agree on that)
pontificates about "Ontology".More obscurantist nonsense from the CIA
agent,you have,when your not having CIA agents?Who evers got the jackboot
on he will lick it.
Ontological Arguments
... A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y | Z Ontological Arguments. ... History of Ontological
Arguments. ...
Description: Ontological arguments are arguments, for the conclusion that
God exists, from premises which are...
Category: Society > Philosophy > Philosophy of Religion - 29k - Cached - Similar

The West Vs Islam? or Monotheism Vs sanity? May will muddy the water,dont
worry.He likes..
Hakim Bey and Ontological Anarchy
The Writings of Hakim Bey. ... Writings as Peter Lamborn
Wilson. Media Creed For The Fin De Siecle; ...
Description: Numerous works of Bey and PL Wilson, plus biographical
Category: Society > Religion and Spirituality > ... > Personalities > Hakim
Bey - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Picked up some real BS here.For an antidote read Zerzan on Bey

This is great resource for real crypto-anarchists,Tim may spit chips if you
quote from this...

The Social Ideology of the Motorcar
Andri Gorz
The worst thing about cars is that they are like castles or villas by the
sea: luxury goods invented for the exclusive pleasure of a very rich
minority, and which in conception and nature were never intended for the
people. Unlike the vacuum cleaner, the radio, or the bicycle, which retain
their use value when everyone has one, the car, like a villa by the sea, is
only desirable and useful insofar as the masses don't have one. That is how
in both conception and original purpose the car is a luxury good. And the
essence of luxury is that it cannot be democratized. If everyone can have
luxury, no one gets any advantages from it. On the contrary, everyone
diddles, cheats, and frustrates everyone else, and is diddled, cheated, and
frustrated in return.(Cont)

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