On a future Earth (72 years from now) where technology is outlawed, food and fuel are precious commodities, and the only law is Martial Law. You assume the role of Flynn, a very cynical twenty-five year-old who's nothing more than a streetwise cypherpunk with a criminal history and a penchant for rebellion. Aside from his implied honorable intentions of exposing an evil global conspiracy, he is the classical anti-hero, which makes for some new and unique scenarios to propel the action.
From the first moments you are thrust into the dark and compelling plot with an NPC guide and guns blazing. Aside from surviving the baddies, you've got a lot of additional challenges to overcome. You will be given task lists made up of multiple unlocking objectives and sub-objectives via pre-cog mission briefings, in-list action cutscenes, and HUD-based checklists. Your main goals are simple: survival, and conquest, but as the story progresses you are given more and more clues as to the nature of your upcoming missions. As you progress through Devastation's world, you will have more and more objectives to complete and challenges to overcome, as the list dynamic quickly adapts allowing for incredible variation from the standard shooter fare. In the end, you'll have teamed up with eight computer-controlled teammates all at once (you can issue them commands), fight alongside an entire army, and uncover and expose the mystery behind the evil mega-corporations that have been lying and manipulating the public, while they ruin what's left of mankind.

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