In a departure from recent policy, the Pentagon is planning to deploy hundreds of print reporters, photographers and television journalists with front-line U.S. units if there's a war with Iraq, reports Johanna Neuman. Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke says: "We are absolutely convinced the more news and information that comes out of Iraq -- if there's military action -- the better off we'll all be."
Will 'Ghan be any guide to 'Raq?
Cross between,'Three kings','Road to Morroco' and 'The thief of Bagdad? Fucked if I know,but if theres a Hooters in Town and butts to sign,Geraldo,Max Hardcore ,the Duke and I will be there.
Press critic: Where are the tough pieces on Kissinger?
Los Angeles Times
Objections to Henry Kissinger's appointment to head the official 9/11 investigation have been quietly raised on some editorial pages, notes Tim Rutten. "What is conspicuously missing, however, are the analytic profiles and investigative news reports concerning a factual record that is almost perversely dissonant with the responsibilities now laid upon him," he writes. "Kissinger, after all, is a man whose entire record of public service is studded with attempts to suppress information about the conduct of government and to deceive the American people and their elected representatives."
> NY Sun: NYT has unleashed a Rainesian crusade against Kissinger
> Conason: Press ignores Kissinger info that merits further exploration
Posted at 8:10:45 AM
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Feedback...You're kidding me.
Where are the tough pieces on Kissinger? WHERE ARE THE TOUGH PIECES ON KISSINGER? Online! ONLINE! Christ. Where are the tough pieces on Kissinger?

Posted by H Mencken 12/4/2002

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