Yesterday  it was this...
ATO could take fines from wages
News Interactive, Australia - 29 Mar 2003
By David Wilson. HUNDREDS of millions of dollars in unpaid fines would
be lifted from pay packets under a radical plan being considered ...
The Treasury is braced for a 'male backlash' against the Budget over changes which will transfer tax credit money from husbands to their wives.
Sources close to Downing Street have admitted to concerns over working men opening their pay packets in April to find they appear to have 'lost' hundreds of pounds.
The family payment will have shifted to their wives' bank accounts, under changes reflecting that women are considered more likely to spend the cash on children. But fears that up to 200,000 working men will resent the loss of control - or confuse it with the national insurance rise due on 6 April - have prompted a national advertising campaign to explain the change.
"The worry is that a lot of men are not going to like this, even though their families are still getting the money," said one senior Labour source.,6903,925787,00.html

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