Dan King Pedro
You   may   be   surprised   to   receive   this   letter   since   you   do   not   
know   me   personally.   The   purpose   of   my   introduction   is   necessitated   
due to  my   situation.   I   am   a ''victim   of   circumstance'' hence, I   need   
your   assistance   if   you   will.   I   am  Dan King Pedro the   immediate   junior 
  brother   of   late   Victor   King  , a   brave   and   dynamic   young   soldier   
who   was   killed   by   the   Government   of   my   country.   I   got   your   
contact   through network on line hence decided to write you.  Before the death of my 
senior brother, he had taken me to Ghana to deposite the sum of USD$12.5(Twelve 
million, Five hundred thousand United   State Dollars), in one of the private security 
company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Sierra-Leone.  This money was meant for 
the procurements of arms and ammunitions

 The whole problem started when the combine efforts of the Nigerian lead Ecomog and  
(UNAMSIL) United Nations Peacekeepers in Sierra-Leone overpowered the rebels and thus 
reduced them to isolated pockets of resistance thereby allowing for the re-instating 
of president Alhaji Ahmed Kabaar.  The President then ordered the execution of my 
senior brother and Twenty-Three others for trying to overthrow His Government it is 
against this background that my family and I fled Sierra-Leone for fear of our lives 
and is currently Staying in the Netherlands where we are seeking political asylum. 
Meanwhile, I have decided to transfer the money to a more reliable foreign account. As 
the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or 
to be involved in any financial transaction through out Her territorial zone. Hence I 
am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this 
money could be transferred without the knowledge of my Government back home that are 
bent on taking everything we have got. The Government of Ghana seems to be playing 
along with them.

     I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of Accra-Ghana for 
fear of going through the same experience in future, since both countries have similar 
political history. As a businessman, I am seeking a partner whom I have to entrust my 
future and that of my family in his hands. I must let you know that this transaction 
is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I will like you to do for 
me is to make an arrangement with the security/courier company to clear the 
consignment/funds from their affiliate office here in The Netherlands as I have 
already gave directives for the consignment/funds to be brought to The Netherlands 
from Ghana. But before then all modality will have to be put in place like change of 
ownership of the consignment/funds and more importantly this funds I intend to use for 

I have two opinions for you. Firstly, you can choose to have certain percentage of the 
funds for nominating your account for this transaction. Or we can go into partner for 
proper wise investment of the funds in your country. Which ever the option you want, 
feel free to notify me. I have already mapped out 5% of this fund for all kinds of 
expenses incurred in the process of this transaction. If other wise, I am willing to 
give you 10% of the funds while the remaining 85% will be used for my investment in 
your country. Please, contact me with the above email address, while I implore you to 
maintain absolute secrecy required in this transaction.

Thanks and God bless.

Yours faithfully,

 Dan King Pedro.


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