Next time any journalist talks up the Doha round of WTO talks ask them if they know of the Jordanian reporter on death row in the hereditary,absolutist,dictatorial monarchy.
(Doha is the capital of Qatar.)

Did you get my note on China,china?

RE. Congresscritters turning off their email inboxes

Wasn't it you who told us over a year ago that they don't read it?

Police State NSW. From Sydney IMC.
Terror By Postcode

from the newswire

Whole suburbs of innocent citizens could experience the terror of having their door broken down by unidentified assailants, under the Carr Government's Terrorism (Police Powers) Bill currently being debated in the NSW Parliament, claimed Greens MLC Ian Cohen.
"Police won't need a search warrant or even a reasonable suspicion that a householder is in some way connected with terrorism to undertake such a raid. They are not even required to identify themselves or provide evidence that they are police.
"On top of this, if you resist the invasion of your home or refuse to cooperate you could be thrown in prison for up to 2 years.

[ Read More | Ian Cohen ]

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