Digital software theft raises security dangers

Digital piracy, often thought of as the illicit trade in music, software and games, has moved into more dangerous territory.
A black market has emerged for scientific and engineering software powerful enough to fall under U.S. export restrictions. Such software can be used in a variety of tasks, including designing rockets or nuclear reactors or predicting the path of a cloud of anthrax spores.
Intellectual property "isn't just Napster," and it "isn't just copying Madonna's songs," one Justice Department official said. "It's the software that allows you to model the fuel flow in a fighter jet."
Much of the specialized software cannot be exported legally to "pariah" countries such as Libya, North Korea or Iraq. Yet Steve Legensky, the founder and general manager of Intelligent Light, an engineering software company in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, has found bootleg copies of his company's software, which is bound by the export controls, being offered on the Internet alongside sophisticated engineering wares from 120 other companies. Many of those companies are also subject to more stringent rules against exporting their technology to a larger list of countries deemed a military risk by the U.S. government.
The illicit copies of the software from Intelligent Light, which in licensed versions typically sells for $12,000, was being sold by Chinese entrepreneurs for $200. The posted advertisement for the wares promised that a "step-by-step install guide and crack file make it easy to install and use!" Which means that anyone with a modem and a little cash can evade the export control rules, even those that apply to prohibited countries.
"All they need to do is get a wire transfer, and they can get the software over the Internet," Legensky said.
Jeanne Mara, the company's president and chief executive, said, "It stinks that people can get it for nothing - but it absolutely stinks that these guys can get it for nothing."
But when companies want to take action against a breach of the export controls, they often find themselves frustrated - whether because the U.S. government is reluctant to crack down on emerging trade allies such as China or because software piracy over the Internet is almost impossible to stop, even when there are attempts to do so.
Mara said she had made the rounds in the Commerce, Justice and State departments and the Small Business Administration. For her troubles, she said, she got many sighs and apologies from officials who seemed averse to addressing the delicate politics and economics of U.S.-China relations.
Black-market sales and violations of copyrights are not new, and China has long been notoriously lax in its protection of international copyright. The Business Software Alliance, an industry lobbying group with a vigorous anti-piracy program, estimates that 92 percent of the business software used in China is pirated. Robert Kruger, the group's vice president for enforcement, said that despite small declines in the rate of piracy, the dollar amount was growing as China developed.
"The bottom line is, we have still a tremendous amount of work to do to make China a safer place for intellectual property, and software in particular," he said.
Though the case against piracy is passionately argued by paid advocates for the music and film industries and Silicon Valley, the Business Software Alliance's own surveys show that most consumers find it hard to summon outrage. They often see the fight as primarily a way to ensure that Bill Gates and Britney Spears, or other wealthy executives and artists, get every penny that is due to them.
Not all concerns about software piracy, however, are about ensuring that the rich become richer. When software such as Visual Light shows up on the wrong desktop, issues of national security come into play, said Tom Kurke, vice president for business development and global alliances for Bentley Systems, which helps companies collaborate on and manage projects in architecture, engineering and construction.
"Piracy is bad enough, but piracy in these blacklisted countries is three times worse," he said.
William Reinsch, president of the National Foreign Trade Council in Washington, said, "If you're talking about bad guys - and Iraq is a classic example - you don't want to give them the ability to get out of the Stone Age if you can avoid it."
In Mara's case, "As soon as the word 'Chinese' came up, everybody ran in the other direction," she said. At least at the Justice Department, she said, the officials and agents recognized the threat her software posed if it reached the wrong people.
The United States has made progress in recent years in setting up agreements with China to address law enforcement issues, Justice Department officials said. "The Department of Justice will review any matter and consider taking appropriate prosecutorial measures" to combat software piracy, said John Malcolm, deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division.
But in practice, mounting an international investigation is daunting and reserved for prominent cases.
The biggest problem with policing software exports, current and past officials said, is the ephemeral nature of the wares: With the Internet, software can slip past national barriers with a simple click of a mouse. When experts such as Reinsch talk of trying to restrict the movement of software, they tend toward metaphors of genies and bottles, bubbles under wallpaper and putting toothpaste back in tubes.
"This drove me crazy as an export official," said Reinsch, who led the Bureau of Export Administration during the Clinton administration. "How do you enforce this?"
Reinsch and the federal government learned the hard way in the 1990s, when the Clinton administration tried to limit the export of strong encryption software. U.S. high-technology industries argued that the policy only hurt American businesses and honest buyers because the technology could be developed anywhere and could be distributed illicitly with a computer modem. Ultimately, the White House relented and softened export restrictions.
The idea of restraining other software is similarly quixotic, said Stewart Baker, a former general counsel of the National Security Agency and a prominent voice in the Clinton administration against the spread of strong encryption technology internationally.
"In the crypto area, you had no real support from industry, and they were delighted to see it escape" to other countries, he said. "But here, with the best will in the world, you see it's escaped."
To his mind, Baker said, Intelligent Light's problems are part of a broader trend of mistakenly looking at national security issues as problems for law enforcement. "O.K., you can't prosecute 'em," he said. "Well, duh." Instead, he said half-jokingly, the government could be exploring alternatives: "Surely, this is the case where you ought to call a government-funded hacker and say, 'Screw it up!'" and make it more difficult for the black-market entrepreneurs to conduct their business.
Mara and Legensky say they used to receive handwritten letters occasionally with postmarks and stamps from Iraq bearing Saddam Hussein's picture. "We have heard of your beautiful software," the letters would typically say. "We would like to buy it." Since the software became part of the illicit Internet bazaar, Mara said, the stream of exotic postmarks has tapered off.

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