What do Limbaugh, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, Cheney, Will, et al. have in common? (That is, besides being wealthy white male crypto-fascists?)

You all know the tale of George "AWOL" Bush II & how he sat out the Vietnam War in Texas while working on Republican political campaigns at the taxpayer's expense.

You may not know how the above hyperpatriots & many other of their NeoCon comrades are all draft dodgers.

Others, too young for the Vietnam draft, also managed to avoid military service.

This doesn't prevent these fire-breathing couchborne commandos from urging others to go out & kill & die for Big Oil. In many cases they get paid for it to boot.

Being a war pimp admittedly pays much better than advocating justice, reason, & peace. In our "marketplace of ideas" the best location goes to the junk-food restaurant called Business As Usual.

For the complete list to date of noted right-wing draft-dodgers, click on the link. Feel free to make your own additions - just add a reference to support each one. The names there now have already been verified.



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