Asked and answered.Tommy Franks must be spewing...and who could blame him.
Howards refreshing Honesty over Crean Meandering Mendacity.
by pr
My lust for blood and guts has been temporarily assuaged by living vicariously on CNNN.There is now absolutely no further need for blood curdling death threats...Assassination politics now has approval at the very top.

My thoughts drift to the contrast between our National Pup...Leaders.I just caught the tail end of Crean speech.The spin doctors are working on the body language but the song remains the same.And what a crashing Cacophony Creans music is!He tells us out of one side of his barracuda mouth that we are in an illegal war then 'we suppport the troops!?"
WTF? We support the troops right to a fair nurermberg trial?
They are war criminals engaged in aggressive war crimes if we are to belive the great helmsman of the Laboral Party.Having bastardized each other right through basic training and sworn oaths to be slaves of the state and the wealthy they deserve our support...the support of the Gallows.Fuck the Army.I support the average grunts right to frag an obb noxious senior officer.Especially a snake with a forked tongue like Simon Crean.
Compared to Crean,Howard is actually looking refreshingly honest.For a start he clearly does not give a fuck about our national security.Just as the Indonesian warning was not passed on so we now become the staked goat for the US empire.Howard tells us we are an integral part of this Empire and why and how it will become worse for us.As Echelon is now essential for the illegal spying of the USA,UK and AU citizens this is how its going to be.
The crew are considered expendable.
Although we are a governor generalate,Howard now takes his orders and is backed up in them from Yank central.He knows he can call on all the various USA gestapo's and death squads who still call australia home,25 years after Nugan Hand.
Howard is an honest Gaulieter for Warthland overseas.He shares many of their crude reactionary and fanatical religious beliefs as his taliban members like Heffernan spread their dark wings over the land.
The covert state has become the overt state...Tenet overrules Tommy.In a secret state you need secret police with powers to burgle,torture and dissappear.
You need a collaborator class and you need spurious opposition that will not even talk about blocking supply.
This secret state needs the supine.It needs slaves like Howard and stupidity as exhibited by Simon.When all this new world order has become military, crime will consist of not killing when orders demand.
That day is moving closer every day.

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