Yanic writes on Tuesday January 07 2003 @ 12:22PM PST: [ reply | parent ]
Actually there is a "postanarchist" tendency developing that may have some linkages with the postleft idea such as the embrace of anarchist diversity and the critique of class reductionism amongst other reductionisms. It was originally articulated by Saul Newman from Australia in his book "From Bakunin to Lacan: Antiauthoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power" but is based largely on Todd May's book "The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism" and Stirner's "The Ego and Its Own." However since most of the Anarchy Magazine folks say they hate postmodernism (especially Zerzan) I dont think it is *too* closely linked with their ideas but there are certainly many common nodes. Personally I have no problem with moving beyond political identities such as "anarchist" or whatever - in fact I think political identities in themselves are basically authoritarian in that they by their nature tend to homogenize and subsume differences and divergences.

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