Dear Friend, 

First, I must solicit your strictest confidence in 
this transaction,this is by virtue of its nature as 
being utterly confidential and top secret as you were 
introduced to us in confidence through the Nigerian 
Chamber of Commerce, Foreign Trade Division. 

I am Alhaji Gambo Jimeta, the Secretary of the Federal 
Government of Nigeria Contract Award and Monitoring 
Committee (CAMC) of the Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund 

Sometime ago, a contract was awarded to a conglomerate 
of Foreign Companies by my committee on behalf of PTF, 
the contract was over-invoiced to the tune of US $15.6 
Million.This was done deliberately, the over-invoicing 
was a deal by members of my committee to benefit from 
the project, we now desire to transfer the money, 
which is presently in a suspense account of PTF in the 
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) into an overseas account 
which we expect you to provide 

We have agreed that the following funds will be shared 
thus after it has been paid into your account; 

a) 20% of the money will go to you for acting as the 
beneficiary of the fund. 
b) 10% has been set aside as an abstract projection 
for reimbursement to both parties for incidental 
expenses that may be incurred in the course of the 
c) 70% to us the government officials (which we wish 
to commence an important business in conjunction with 

I Would Require 

a) Name and address of Company/ Beneficiary 
b)Your phone and fax number respectively. 
c) Your Bank Account Number, Bank Address and 

The above information would be used to make formal 
applications as a>  matter of procedure for the release 
of the money and onward transfer to your nominated 

It does not matter whether or not your company or you 
does contract projects of the nature described here, 
the assumption is that you won a major contract and 
subcontracted it out to other companies, more often 
than not, big trading companies or individuals of 
unrelated field win major contracts and subcontracts 
to more specialized firms for execution of such 

We have strong and reliable connections and contacts 
at the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and The Federal 
Ministry of Finance and we have no doubts at all that 
this money will be released and transferred if we get 
the necessary foreign partners to assist us in this 
deal. Therefore, when the business is successfully 
concluded we shall through the same connections 
withdraw all documents used from all the concerned 
government ministries for 100% security. 

We want this money to be transferred to the foreign 
account which you are going to provide bearing in mind 
that our civil service code of conduct forbids us from 
owning foreign company or running foreign account, all 
expenses regarding the account opening if not already 
in existence shall be borne by you, all expenses are 
however reimbursable as already stated above on 
conclusion of business. 

Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter if you 
are interested through the above email address.I wait in anticipation of your 

Yours Faithfully, 

Alhaji Gambo Jimeta. 

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