1. Snowmoblie Accident...  it's here ... a CRAZY Video

2. Hairy BIN!... it's here .. a funny picture!

3. On a serious note go here to see World Trade Center tragedy pictures

4. Go Here to see how you can Lose 22.5lbs in 3 weeks !

Everyday (edited)
I am Vicky (age 23), he is Greg (age 28), she is Jasmine (age 20), I am his wife, she is my friend, he is her boyfriend, his name is Greg, he is my husband, I just had a baby, she is pregnant, due in February , we all live in the same building, but in separate condos, we spend most of the time at his place, sometimes he sleeps at my place, we all get along most of the time.. life is good. We work at home, Joel works hard, he is the other half of the business. It's great weather, we all love living in Miami Beach.

The last couple days (by Vicky)
It's a boy!...  I went through a very difficult birth, pushed for 6 hours, baby was 8 pounds... too big, so I had to get a C-section, I was in the hospital 4 days, I am home now but still very tired, I am just starting to walk a little, everything was so CRAZY.. I can only give you the short version, would be to much to type everything...so... Greg could not handle the stress and left the hospital after getting into an argument with one of the doctors, the doctor was very rude to him. Greg was not there for the birth, it was just too much for him to handle... our maid stayed with me the whole time, she is a great lady, she has 6 grown children, she helped me allot. Jasmine brought me flowers and stayed with me today in the hospital, now I am home and Greg is helping me allot with the baby. I cannot type so many this newsletter.. I still have so many pains, just want to say everything is Ok... and his name is RisPek. Greg says "this is the first Jamaican/Bulgarian baby ever born. I put some pictures online. Happy New Year!

Past Time - Part 4 (edited)
NOV 2001 - We get back from Jamaica, everything is a mess, since Greg was not around to manage the business it went down badly, we  were supposed to keep flying around the world.. but Sept 11 changed everything, and we needed to return home. Upon return Jasmine back to school in West Palm Beach to get her hair style and cosmetology license.. Greg moved into his new million dollar condo and I stayed at the house we were renting. We spent allot of quality fun times together for  few months.
Jan 2002 to June 2002- Greg worked hard, he hired Joel to turn help turn the failing business around. Jasmine got her cosmetology license and moved back to Miami Beach, she started working in a Salon. Greg, Jasmine, and Yen did allot of clubbing and partying.  Me and Greg had many ups and mostly downs during this time, we even had physical fights. Eventually too much parting and too much drugs slowed us down, plus the business was not stable.. Greg wanted to escape "the life" and chill out again.... so he went to Puerto Rico with Jasmine. Shortly after they returned, I discovered I was pregnant.... six weeks later.. Jasmine was pregnant too.

This is my life.... more next time.                See the Pictures                  Read Past Newsletters



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