At 11:08 AM 12/16/2002, you wrote:

Are you for real???

I'm reading with horror the editorial of your latest crypto-gram. Phrases
like "revenge only becomes justice if carried out by the State" or "the
State has more motivation to be fair" sound like right out of 1984. What
happened to you? This is so utterly ridiculous that I'd laugh if you
wouldn't have so much influence on so many people. I got over your idea that
arming pilots and people on planes is bad, while armed marshals are good
(because they get 3 balls while on duty, presumably), I got over your
ignorance of the solution to the public good dilemma - which is NOT state
control, but private property and enforcement of property rights - but this
is nuts.

Do I have to explain to you why the state can NOT be just? Why it has NO
motivation to be fair, if it can get away with it? Why the incentives are
all wrong - and why, even if we found saints and put them to govern, their
*signals* would be all wrong, because they wouldn't put *their* lives and
properties on the line? Do you even read the articles whose URLs you present
to support your ideas - because the first one,,2933,64688,00.html , is definitely not
friendly to the state's "justice"?

I would have thought that someone whose name is well known among cypherpunks
has at least some familiarity with these ideas. At the very least, it would
have required you to explain why you believe the state is good for justice -
something which is definitely alien for most of us!
My intuition is that the government is going to be slightly fairer than, for example, Disney. That's just a guess, though.


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