On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 at 12:01:38 -0800, Cardenas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>You're a fucking racist.

Which are you, a lazy nigger or a dirty spic?  A raging fag, maybe?

>If you can't understand why black and latino pride is necessary after
>centuries of murderous oppression, the pick up a book.  

And they have nothing to do with it, and crying for decades that they
need more and more handouts because of this "murderous oppression" is
nothing but bullshit, pure and simple.

>MEChA is not a gang, they're an important part of helping lots of
>young people to be concious of their own heritage.

Just like the Crips and the Bloods.

>And I respect the people who are willing to dedicate their lives to  
>something with meaning a lot more than making more microchips for the

Computers have become too "ghetto" if more than just the rich can
afford them.  Even shit like you can afford one.

>You're right about evolution though, all those women's studies
>and black studies programs are helping evolution along, so that
>racists like you can have their eyes opened more often.

Yes, I do want fries with that, Sambo.

>This is by far the most disgusting thing I've read on this list to
>date, and is a huge demonstration of your lilliputian mindedness.

You really are fucking stupid, aren't you?

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