Sampo Syreeni said:

| >* "game theory." We all know that most human and complex system
| >interactions have strong game-theoretic aspects.
| Cooperation, defection,
| >Prisoner's Dilemma, Axelrod, etc. But thinking that "all crypto is
| >basically game theory" has not been fruitful, so far.
| Axelrod? I just started reading up on basic game theory and
| the theory of
| oligopoly (Cournot, Nash, price vs. quantity selection, the
| works), but
| haven't bumped into that name, yet. What gives?

Robert Axelrod did a popular/layman's study of the iterated prisoner's
dilemna, and how it relates to evolution, called The Evolution of
Cooperation (ISBN: 0465021212 in paperback), that I liked a lot.

He's done a few other books as well, but I haven't read them, so I can't
comment on his works in general.


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