PAUL GLADER, Associated Press Writer
Friday, May 10, 2002 )2002 Associated Press


Friday marked the end of insomnia for Young, Brett Brendix and the rest of the Moon 
Dogs, a troop of reservists who worked from midnight to noon for the past six months. 
Gov. Gray Davis authorized posting 800 troops at 30 California airports to boost 
security following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"We're ready to go," said Brendix, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the 12 
soldiers on the night shift at SFO.

Brendix said he hasn't slept well during the day, and is looking forward to being 
closer to his family in Sacramento.

"My wife told me she can't wait until I can be home to help with family 
responsibilities again," said Brendix, a father of two. "She's had to be both mom and 
dad, and it's been pretty tough on her."


At Sacramento International Airport, 50 members of the National Guard who have been 
staffing security checkpoints since Oct. 12 were feted at a ceremony to thank them 
early Friday morning.

"It was a successful mission and the soldiers and airmen were proud to serve," said 
National Guard spokeswoman Denise Varner. "But they are happy to go back to their 


"The threat is still there," said National Guard Col. Terry Knight. "Has anyone done 
anything yet? No."

Guardswoman Alexsandra Serda, 19, said travelers weren't always pleased with the 
presence of armed guards standing watch with guns. She said on her first day on the 
job at the San Francisco airport, an elderly woman shoved a soldier after airport 
staff took away her two butter knives.

"A lot of the old ladies tend to get rowdy," she said.

Guards said the job was sometimes boring as they stood watching and waiting with their 
M-16s in hand. Defusing tempers of frustrated passengers was the most common action 
they saw. But passengers said Friday they will miss the guards.

"I hate to see them leave," said Hugh McCullough of Cincinnati, returning from a 
cruise with his wife, Donna. "I feel more comfortable with them than with the 
rent-a-cops they will be getting." 

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