After the Jim Bell and Carl Johnson festivities, I would imagine most
readers of this list have an above average ability to recognize bovine
effluent in the rantings of federal prosecutors, whose Chicken Little
bellowings about conspiracies and threats to public safety often bear
little resemblence to actual events.

"Illegally discharging firearms during a conspiracy"  The mind boggles.

Conspiracy is to defendants rights what goose droppings are to traction on

Ujaama lashes out at prosecutors in public hearing

Man accused of aiding al-Qaida to be transferred to Seattle jail
Saturday, August 31, 2002
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Terror suspect James Ujaama unleashed an angry outburst
in federal court yesterday during his first public court appearance since
being charged with conspiracy and weapons counts.
After weeks of being held in secret as a "material witness," the former
Seattle man wasted no time showing his disdain for Justice Department
prosecutors who filed the case Wednesday in Seattle.
"These guys have lied -- they've always lied," Ujaama said during a terse
exchange cut short by Magistrate Judge Barry Poretz.
During the 10-minute court appearance, a prosecutor read the charges
against Ujaama, then Poretz ordered the U.S. Marshal's Service to transfer
him from a Virginia jail to Seattle.
He is expected to be moved by Monday or Tuesday, although defense attorney
Greg Stambaugh said Ujaama would like to return to a jail in Seattle even
earlier if possible.
Ujaama stood quietly through most of the proceedings. He appeared gaunt
and unshaven, wearing a green jumpsuit marked "PRISONER" on the back.
After the routine business was done, Stambaugh complained to the judge
that a courthouse guard referred to Ujaama as "bin Laden boy," a reference
to al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.
Before being placed in isolation Thursday, Ujaama had been held among
other prisoners in the general population, and such a label could cause
Ujaama problems, Stambaugh said.
"Clearly, everybody is entitled to respect in this court," Poretz said.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg questioned whether the
name-calling actually happened, and alluded to Ujaama's repeated
complaints about his treatment in statements released through his attorney
and a family spokesperson.
"His client has repeatedly lied to the public before to manipulate the
public," Kromberg said. "It's not beyond the realm of possibility he's
lying again to manipulate the public."
That drew Ujaama's ire, and he asked the judge for permission to respond.
Poretz told him to talk to his attorney first, and then Ujaama spoke
loudly and angrily.
"These guys have lied -- they've always lied," Ujaama said. "For them to
refer to me as a liar when they've leaked material to the press ...."
Poretz interrupted, suggesting he speak through his attorney. Ujaama
remained quiet.
Outside the courtroom later, Stambaugh read a brief statement in which
Ujaama, 36, repeated his criticism of prosecutors:
"They literally kidnapped me using a material witness warrant. This is
further proof of what I've been saying all along: They are criminals
posing as 'statesmen.'"
Ujaama, who was arrested in Denver on July 22, is accused of providing
"training, facilities, computer services, safe houses and personnel" to
al-Qaida in a conspiracy to "destroy property and murder and maim persons
located outside the United States."
He also is accused of illegally discharging firearms as part of a
conspiracy, when he allegedly was scouting a training area for terrorists
at a property in Bly, Ore.
Kromberg said Ujaama could face up to life in prison for the conspiracy
charge, although Stambaugh said that would not be consistent with the
wording of the indictment.
During yesterday's appearance, Ujaama waived a routine identification
hearing, where prosecutors must show that the person named in the
indictment is the same as the person in custody.
The indictment refers to him by his birth name, James Ernest Thompson; the
name he took as a Muslim, Earnest James Ujaama; and aliases Bilal Ahmed,
Abu Samayya and Abdul Qaadir.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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