
Never mind the wrongful termination - actually, do mind, - he got canned
because of whistleblowing:


The suit claims the termination occurred shortly before Spillane had
planned to meet with officials of the independent testing authority
responsible for certifying voting machines and the U.S. General Accounting
Office. He claims the firing was "clearly in retaliation for

Although more than a year and a half has passed since he lost his job,
Spillane said he decided to file the suit because he believed it was
important to disclose potential defects in voting software applications
and in the certification process.


In his lawsuit, Spillane claims that he submitted about 250 defect reports
during his tenure at VoteHere, where he was hired in January 2001 to test
voting applications to ensure they were in compliance with Federal
Election Commission guidelines and industry standards.

One of the defects he cited was a data path flaw that interfered with the
software's ability to correctly transmit votes from the computer screen to
the record log. Other defects affected usability of touch-screen voting
systems, particularly for seniors and people with "limited educational


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