Hello everyone,

I have been “lurking” on this list for a while. I love the help people have 
offered each other.

I’m wondering about any suggestions so I can learn more about my 
great-great-grandparents, Israel Morgenstern and his wife, Chaie Rutenberg 
(various spellings), during their lives in or near Chernowitz from the early 
1850s (when they were born) to 1890 (when they emigrated to the U.S.) .

Various documents list Israel’s birthplace as Chernowitz, Horseny and Sadagora. 
Chaie’s birthplace was Toprovitz.

They had 7 children -- Aron, Blume, Selig, Pesach, Moses, Riwke, and Rosa --  
born in Sadagora (I think), between 1871 and 1889.

I’m told they had a whiskey distillery (in Sadagora or Chernowitz) that was 
destroyed in a fire around 1890.

They emigrated to the U.S. after that, and then emigrated again to Jerusalem, 
Palestine in 1989.

Israel Morgenstern died in Jerusalem around 1936, and he and his wife are both 
buried there, although I have no idea how to find documents related to that.

I do have their immigration documents to the U.S. and a set of documents from 
the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem. But I would love to find documents from 

Any suggestions?

Best, Margo Hittleman

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