Automated smoke report for branch smoke-me/jkeenan/sisyphus/41202-text-float 
5.29.1 patch 7852ae9a82d97f8f67014ebc69472df9c2637ec3 v5.29.0-92-g7852ae9
cjg-jessie: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz (GenuineIntel 2257MHz) 
(x86_64/1 cpu)
    on        linux - 3.16.0-6-amd64 [Debian GNU/Linux 8.11 (jessie)]
    using     cc version 4.9.2
    smoketime 3 hours 45 minutes (average 28 minutes 12 seconds)

Summary: FAIL(F)

O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
? = still running or test results not (yet) available
Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep

v5.29.0-92-g7852ae9  Configuration (common) none
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F         
F F         -Duse64bitall
F F         -Duseithreads
F F         -Duseithreads -Duse64bitall
| +--------- -DDEBUGGING
+----------- no debugging

Locally applied patches:

Testsuite was run only with 'harness'

Tests skipped on user request:
    # One test name on a line
Failures: (common-args) none
    22498-22499, 22501, 22503, 22538, 22570
    26129-26136, 26184, 26202, 26204, 26206
    26208, 26274, 26314, 26345-26346, 26348
    26350, 26352, 26381-26382, 26388, 26418
    26420, 26422, 26424, 26435, 26490, 26492
    26494, 26496, 26530, 26561-26568, 26597
    26599, 26601, 26603, 26633-26634, 26636
    26638, 26640, 26693, 26706, 26708, 26710
    26712, 26761, 26777-26784, 27305-27306
    27308, 27310, 27312, 27377-27378, 27380
    27382, 27384, 27614, 27619, 27649-27656
    27686-27687, 27689, 27691, 27722, 27724
    27726, 27728, 27994, 28029, 28066, 28338
    28379, 28410, 28412, 28414, 28416, 28448
    28463-28470, 28482, 28997, 29010, 29012
    29014, 29016, 29049-29050, 29052, 29082
    29084, 29086, 29088, 29154, 29195, 29226
    29228, 29230, 29232, 29268, 29298, 29300-29302
    29304, 29369-29372, 29374, 29376, 29410-29412
    29442, 29444, 29446, 29448, 29481, 29514
    29550, 29554, 29585-29586, 29588, 29590
    29592, 29658, 29660, 29662-29664, 29694
    29698, 29730, 29768, 29801-29802, 29804
    29806, 29808, 29874, 29876, 29878, 29880
    29946, 30003, 30018, 30020, 30022-30024
    30040, 30074, 30090, 30092, 30094, 30096
    31810, 31865, 31882, 31954, 32026, 32098
    32100, 32102, 32104, 32170, 32172, 32174
    32176, 32209, 32223, 32242, 32244, 32246
    32248, 32314, 32352, 32355, 32386, 32458-32460
    32462, 32464, 32494-32495, 32497, 32499
    32530, 32532, 32534, 32536, 32602, 32640
    32674, 32716, 32746, 32748, 32750, 32752
    32818, 32820, 32822, 32824, 33040, 33071
    33090, 33092, 33094-33096, 33108, 33147-33148
    33162, 33164, 33166, 33168, 33219, 33233-33240
    33272, 33292, 33306, 33308, 33310, 33312
    33377-33378, 33380-33382, 33384, 33450
    33452, 33454, 33456
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 274, 417-418, 629, 1644
    1646, 1859, 1937, 2008, 2221, 2291, 2296
    3211-3213, 3215-3216, 3355, 3360, 3362
    3392, 3433, 3464, 3504, 3518, 3536, 3538
    3540, 3542, 3608, 3680, 3682, 3684, 3686
    3700, 3716, 3738, 3752, 3754, 3756, 3758
    3792, 3824, 3826, 3828, 3830, 3846, 3859-3860
    3862, 3864, 3866, 3896, 3898, 3900, 3902
    3934, 3968, 3970, 3972, 3974, 4008-4010
    4040, 4042, 4044, 4046, 4312, 4314, 4316
    4318, 4349, 4351, 4366, 4384, 4386, 4388
    4390, 4404, 4420, 4426, 4456, 4495, 4509-4516
    4528, 4530-4532, 4534, 4550, 4583, 4587
    4600, 4602, 4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -DDEBUGGING
    22498-22499, 22501, 22503, 22570, 26129-26136
    26201, 26274, 26294, 26312, 26314, 26345-26346
    26348, 26350, 26352, 26388, 26418, 26420-26422
    26424, 26440, 26490, 26492, 26494, 26496
    26561-26568, 26598-26599, 26601, 26603
    26616, 26619, 26634, 26706, 26708-26710
    26712, 26741, 26743-26744, 26747, 26777-26784
    27272, 27306, 27308, 27310, 27312, 27344
    27378, 27380-27382, 27384, 27635, 27649-27656
    27686-27687, 27689, 27691, 27722, 27724
    27726, 27728, 27977, 27994-27996, 27998
    28000, 28066, 28322, 28337-28340, 28342-28344
    28391, 28410, 28448, 28463-28470, 28482
    28977, 29010, 29012, 29014-29016, 29030
    29082, 29135, 29154, 29191, 29226, 29228
    29230, 29232, 29298, 29300, 29302-29304
    29334, 29351-29353, 29370, 29372, 29374
    29376, 29411, 29442-29444, 29446, 29448
    29483, 29514, 29586, 29588, 29590, 29592
    29646, 29658-29660, 29662, 29664, 29696
    29730, 29765, 29770, 29802, 29804-29808
    29838, 29840, 29842, 29844, 29874, 29876-29880
    29946, 29983, 29999, 30001, 30018, 30020
    30022, 30024, 30075, 30090-30092, 30094
    30096, 31810, 31882, 31900, 31954, 32026
    32063, 32065-32066, 32081, 32083, 32098-32100
    32102, 32104, 32137, 32152, 32170-32174
    32176, 32242-32244, 32246, 32248, 32279
    32281, 32295, 32313-32314, 32316, 32318
    32320, 32350, 32386, 32457-32458, 32460-32462
    32464, 32494-32495, 32497, 32499, 32512
    32530, 32532, 32534-32536, 32569-32570
    32602, 32644, 32655-32656, 32674, 32676
    32678, 32680, 32745-32748, 32750, 32752
    32787, 32818, 32820, 32822, 32824, 33090
    33092, 33094, 33096, 33125, 33162, 33164
    33166, 33168, 33233-33240, 33258, 33270
    33272, 33306, 33326, 33342, 33378, 33380
    33382, 33384, 33420, 33432, 33450, 33452
    33454, 33456, 33486-33487, 33503
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    51, 58, 124, 196, 198, 200, 202, 267, 270
    414, 555, 558, 633, 1650, 1859, 2082, 2148-2149
    2152, 2154, 2221, 2294, 2366, 3212-3214
    3216-3217, 3248, 3283, 3287, 3320, 3392
    3394, 3396, 3398, 3427, 3446, 3464, 3503
    3536, 3538, 3540-3542, 3577, 3608, 3610
    3612, 3614, 3628, 3668, 3680, 3682, 3684
    3686, 3752, 3754, 3756, 3758, 3824, 3826
    3828, 3830, 3860-3861, 3863, 3865, 3896
    3898-3900, 3902, 3936, 3968-3970, 3972
    3974, 3986, 4003, 4010, 4023, 4040, 4042
    4044-4046, 4276, 4297, 4312, 4314-4316
    4318, 4348, 4383-4384, 4386, 4388, 4390
    4424-4426, 4456, 4494, 4509-4516, 4528
    4530, 4532-4534, 4600
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -Duse64bitall
    22498-22499, 22501, 22503, 22570, 26129-26136
    26168, 26170, 26172, 26202, 26274, 26346-26348
    26350, 26352, 26381, 26418, 26420, 26422
    26424, 26454, 26490, 26492, 26494, 26496
    26508, 26561-26568, 26580, 26597, 26599
    26601, 26603, 26633-26636, 26638, 26640
    26656, 26672-26674, 26706, 26777-26784
    27306, 27308, 27310, 27312, 27378, 27380
    27382, 27384, 27620, 27649-27656, 27685
    27687, 27689, 27691, 27722, 27724, 27726
    27728, 27961, 27978, 27994, 27996, 27998
    28000, 28066, 28068, 28070, 28072, 28301
    28338, 28379, 28410, 28446, 28463-28470
    28482, 28484-28488, 28958, 28962, 29010-29012
    29014, 29016, 29082, 29084, 29086, 29088
    29106, 29121, 29154, 29156, 29158, 29160
    29189, 29192-29193, 29226, 29228-29230
    29232, 29262, 29298, 29300-29302, 29304
    29370, 29372, 29374-29376, 29406-29409
    29412, 29442, 29444, 29446-29448, 29479
    29481-29482, 29514, 29551, 29586, 29588
    29590, 29592, 29658-29662, 29664, 29715
    29730, 29802, 29804-29808, 29838, 29840
    29842, 29844, 29861, 29874, 29876, 29878
    29880, 29914, 29933, 29946, 29999, 30018-30022
    30024, 30056, 30090, 30092, 30094, 30096
    31773, 31810, 31852, 31868, 31882, 31904
    31919, 31954, 31989, 32026, 32028, 32030
    32032, 32098, 32100, 32102, 32104, 32137
    32170-32172, 32174-32176, 32242-32244, 32246
    32248, 32314, 32386, 32458, 32460-32464
    32494-32495, 32497, 32499, 32530, 32532
    32534, 32536, 32590, 32602, 32656, 32673-32674
    32676, 32678, 32680, 32746, 32748, 32750
    32752, 32818, 32820-32822, 32824, 33040
    33090, 33092, 33094, 33096, 33128, 33148
    33162, 33164, 33166, 33168, 33179, 33233-33240
    33305-33306, 33308, 33310, 33312, 33343
    33378, 33380, 33382, 33384, 33432, 33450-33452
    33454, 33456
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    58, 196, 198, 200, 202, 273, 341, 346, 415-416
    1645, 1647, 1650, 1938, 2004, 2079, 2152-2153
    2292, 2296, 2365, 3213-3215, 3217, 3286
    3320, 3355, 3358, 3361, 3392, 3394, 3396
    3398, 3416, 3464, 3536, 3538, 3540, 3542
    3608, 3679-3680, 3682, 3684, 3686, 3715
    3752, 3754-3756, 3758, 3793, 3811, 3823-3824
    3826, 3828, 3830, 3860-3861, 3863, 3865
    3883, 3896, 3898, 3900, 3902, 3937-3938
    3968, 3970, 3972, 3974, 3992, 4005, 4040
    4042-4044, 4046, 4276, 4312-4314, 4316
    4318, 4334, 4384, 4386, 4388, 4390, 4402
    4426, 4456, 4509, 4528, 4530, 4532, 4534
    4567, 4599-4600, 4602, 4604-4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duse64bitall
    22498, 22500, 22502, 22504, 22539-22540
    22570, 26099, 26113, 26129-26136, 26202
    26274, 26292, 26309, 26346, 26348, 26350
    26352, 26418, 26420-26422, 26424, 26453
    26474, 26490, 26492, 26494, 26496, 26507
    26530-26531, 26561-26568, 26582, 26597
    26599, 26601, 26603, 26622, 26634, 26636
    26638, 26640, 26687, 26706-26710, 26712
    26763, 26777-26784, 27275, 27306, 27308
    27310, 27312, 27341, 27378, 27380, 27382
    27384, 27638, 27649-27656, 27685, 27687
    27689, 27691, 27722, 27724, 27726, 27728
    27979, 27994, 28066, 28306, 28338, 28410
    28463-28470, 28482, 28484, 28486, 28488
    28977, 29010, 29012, 29014-29016, 29063
    29082, 29084, 29086, 29088, 29117-29118
    29154, 29156, 29158, 29160, 29225-29230
    29232, 29261-29263, 29297-29298, 29300
    29302, 29304, 29320, 29336, 29370, 29372
    29374, 29376, 29408-29409, 29423, 29441-29442
    29444, 29446, 29448, 29484, 29496, 29514
    29516-29520, 29556, 29586-29588, 29590
    29592, 29621, 29658-29662, 29664, 29696-29697
    29716, 29729, 29771-29772, 29789, 29802
    29804-29806, 29808, 29841-29842, 29844
    29857, 29874, 29876, 29878-29880, 29909
    29946, 29982, 29986, 29988, 30018, 30020
    30022, 30024, 30054, 30057, 30090, 30092
    30094-30096, 31810, 31850, 31863, 31882
    31884, 31886, 31888, 31917, 31954, 32011
    32026, 32028, 32030, 32032, 32064, 32086
    32098, 32100, 32102, 32104, 32170, 32172
    32174, 32176, 32205-32206, 32241-32242
    32244, 32246-32248, 32282-32284, 32295
    32314, 32316, 32318, 32320, 32386, 32441
    32457-32458, 32460, 32462-32464, 32494-32495
    32497, 32499, 32530, 32532, 32534, 32536
    32602, 32640, 32659, 32674, 32676, 32678
    32680, 32713, 32745-32748, 32750, 32752
    32799, 32818, 32820, 32822, 32824, 33038
    33057, 33059, 33090, 33092, 33094, 33096
    33162, 33164-33166, 33168, 33197, 33202
    33233-33240, 33254, 33306, 33325, 33343
    33347, 33366, 33378, 33380, 33382, 33384
    33413-33414, 33416, 33418, 33420, 33433
    33450, 33452, 33454-33456, 33490
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    55, 123, 196, 198, 200, 202, 483, 630, 1646
    1650, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2147, 2150, 2152
    2219, 3198, 3213-3214, 3216-3218, 3247
    3268, 3304, 3320, 3355, 3392, 3394, 3396
    3398, 3430, 3464, 3466, 3468, 3470, 3486
    3523, 3536, 3538, 3540, 3542, 3554, 3573
    3608, 3610, 3612, 3614, 3626, 3665, 3680
    3682, 3684, 3686, 3752, 3754, 3756, 3758
    3774, 3824, 3826, 3828, 3830, 3860-3861
    3863, 3865, 3896, 3898, 3900-3902, 3934
    3937, 3968, 3970-3974, 4006, 4025, 4028
    4040, 4042, 4044, 4046, 4282, 4293, 4312
    4332, 4350, 4384, 4386, 4388, 4390, 4419-4420
    4426, 4439, 4441, 4456, 4494-4496, 4509-4516
    4528, 4530, 4532, 4534, 4550, 4563, 4581
    4600, 4602, 4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -Duseithreads
    22497, 22499, 22501, 22503, 26166, 26168
    26170, 26172, 26490, 26561, 26598, 26600
    26602, 26604, 26634, 26692, 26706, 26710
    26712, 27378, 27631, 27649, 27685, 27687
    27689, 27691, 27722, 27994, 28066, 28308
    28338, 28410, 28465, 29010, 29048, 29082
    29124, 29154, 29226, 29279, 29298, 29426
    29442, 29658, 29718, 29730, 29802, 29838
    29840, 29842, 29844, 29862, 29874, 29876
    29946, 30038, 30090, 31809-31810, 31812
    31882, 31888, 31954, 31956, 31958, 31960
    32011, 32026, 32031, 32098, 32100, 32104
    32170, 32242-32243, 32248, 32314, 32320
    32458, 32493, 32495, 32497, 32499, 32673
    32746, 32781, 32799, 33054, 33146, 33184
    33233, 33237, 33239, 33306, 33378, 33414
    33416, 33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    124, 196, 198, 200, 202, 271, 273, 343
    489, 1935, 2436, 3644, 3646, 3648, 3650
    3824, 3859, 3861, 3863, 3865, 3879, 3882-3883
    3895, 3898, 3956, 3968, 3972, 3974, 3990
    4027, 4312, 4384, 4390, 4402, 4444, 4456
    4509-4516, 4528, 4531-4532, 4534, 4552
    4600-4602, 4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads
    22443, 22445, 22447, 22449, 22462, 22464
    22466, 22468, 22497, 22499, 22501, 22503
    26166, 26168, 26170, 26172, 26597, 26599
    26601, 26603, 27685, 27687, 27689, 27691
    29802, 29838, 29840, 29842, 29844, 32493
    32495, 32497, 32499, 33414, 33416, 33418
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 3644, 3646, 3648, 3650
    3859, 3861, 3863, 3865
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -Duseithreads -Duse64bitall
    22497, 22499, 22501, 22503, 26166, 26168
    26170, 26172, 26243, 26403, 26417, 26422
    26437, 26471, 26490, 26511, 26561, 26598
    26600, 26602, 26604, 26634, 26638, 26687
    26706, 26710, 27269, 27378, 27685, 27687
    27689, 27691, 27722, 27994, 28066, 28338
    28416, 28446, 28465, 28991, 28998, 29010
    29154, 29194, 29226, 29280, 29298, 29300
    29304, 29442, 29499, 29658, 29729, 29770
    29838, 29840, 29842, 29844, 29874, 29946
    30089-30090, 30092, 30094, 30096, 31795
    31810, 31812, 31814, 31816, 31882, 31923
    31954, 31960, 32011, 32026, 32030, 32098
    32170, 32242, 32302, 32314, 32458, 32493
    32495, 32497, 32499, 32565, 32674, 32746
    33217, 33233-33235, 33305, 33378, 33414
    33416, 33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 2077, 3644, 3646, 3648
    3650, 3859, 3861, 3863, 3865, 3896, 4312
    4384, 4456, 4462, 4509, 4528, 4532, 4583-4584
    4600, 4602-4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads -Duse64bitall
    22443, 22445, 22447, 22449, 22462, 22464
    22466, 22468, 22497, 22499, 22501, 22503
    26166, 26168, 26170, 26172, 26597, 26599
    26601, 26603, 26783, 27685, 27687, 27689
    27691-27692, 29514, 29838, 29840, 29842
    29844, 32493, 32495, 32497, 32499, 33414
    33416, 33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 3644, 3646, 3648, 3650
    3859, 3861, 3863, 3865
    Non-zero exit status: 255

Compiler messages(gcc):
numeric.c: In function 'Perl_my_atof3':
numeric.c:1444:14: warning: assignment discards 'const' qualifier from pointer 
target type
proto.h:4112:11: warning: 'S_mulexp10' declared 'static' but never defined 

Non-Fatal messages(gcc):

Report by Test::Smoke v1.71 running on perl 5.26.1
(Reporter v0.053 / Smoker v0.046)

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