Automated smoke report for branch smoke-me/jkeenan/sisyphus/41202-text-float 
5.29.1 patch 7852ae9a82d97f8f67014ebc69472df9c2637ec3 v5.29.0-92-g7852ae9a82
cjg-slackware14: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz (GenuineIntel 2257MHz) 
(x86_64/1 cpu)
    on        linux - 4.4.132 [Slackware 14.2]
    using     cc version 5.5.0
    smoketime 4 hours 2 minutes (average 30 minutes 16 seconds)

Summary: FAIL(F)

O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
? = still running or test results not (yet) available
Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep

v5.29.0-92-g7852ae9a82  Configuration (common) none
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F         
F F         -Duse64bitall
F F         -Duseithreads
F F         -Duseithreads -Duse64bitall
| +--------- -DDEBUGGING
+----------- no debugging

Locally applied patches:

Testsuite was run only with 'harness'

Tests skipped on user request:
    # One test name on a line
Failures: (common-args) none
    22498-22499, 22501, 22503, 22570, 26082
    26129-26136, 26167-26168, 26170, 26172
    26202, 26226, 26273, 26346, 26348, 26350
    26352, 26383, 26399, 26418, 26455, 26473
    26476, 26490, 26492, 26494-26496, 26528-26529
    26561-26568, 26597, 26599, 26601, 26603
    26634, 26636-26638, 26640, 26652, 26673
    26706, 26708, 26710, 26712, 26746-26748
    26760, 26762, 26764, 26777-26784, 27306
    27308, 27310-27312, 27345, 27377-27378
    27380, 27382-27384, 27617-27619, 27649-27656
    27686-27687, 27689, 27691, 27721-27722
    27724, 27726-27728, 27994, 28030, 28066
    28338, 28410, 28446-28449, 28451-28452
    28463-28470, 28482, 28484, 28486, 28488
    29010, 29012, 29014, 29016, 29063, 29082-29084
    29086, 29088, 29100, 29122-29124, 29154
    29156, 29158, 29160, 29190-29191, 29225-29226
    29228, 29230, 29232, 29263, 29265, 29286
    29298, 29300, 29302, 29304, 29337-29338
    29370, 29372, 29374-29376, 29411, 29424
    29442, 29444, 29446, 29448, 29500, 29514
    29552, 29555-29556, 29586, 29588, 29590
    29592, 29658, 29660, 29662, 29664, 29697
    29713-29715, 29730, 29769, 29802, 29804
    29806, 29808, 29857, 29874, 29876-29878
    29880, 29910, 29946, 30018, 30020, 30022
    30024, 30090, 30092, 30094, 30096, 31756
    31758, 31760, 31762, 31810, 31812, 31814
    31816, 31830, 31850, 31882, 31884, 31886
    31888, 31954, 32026, 32098, 32100, 32170
    32172, 32242, 32314, 32316, 32318, 32320
    32386, 32423-32424, 32494, 32496, 32498
    32500, 32567, 32785, 33127, 33129-33131
    33198, 33269, 33341, 33343, 33414, 33416
    33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    51, 53, 126, 128-129, 196, 198, 200, 202
    487-488, 1931, 1935, 1938, 2439, 2442, 3248
    3268, 3308, 3320, 3338, 3375, 3380, 3392
    3394, 3396, 3398, 3446, 3464, 3466, 3468
    3470, 3522, 3536-3538, 3540, 3542, 3571-3573
    3590, 3608, 3610-3612, 3614, 3645-3646
    3648, 3650, 3664, 3680, 3682-3684, 3686
    3701, 3715, 3717, 3738, 3752, 3754, 3756-3758
    3772, 3788, 3824, 3842, 3860, 3862, 3864-3866
    3882, 3884, 3896, 3898, 3900, 3902, 3952
    3954, 3968, 3970-3972, 3974, 4004-4005
    4021, 4039-4040, 4042, 4044, 4046, 4264
    4281, 4293, 4312, 4314, 4316, 4318, 4332
    4351, 4384, 4386, 4388, 4390, 4420, 4456
    4458, 4460, 4462, 4509, 4515, 4528, 4530
    4532, 4534, 4563, 4565, 4567-4569, 4600
    4602, 4604-4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -DDEBUGGING
    22484, 22498, 22500, 22502, 22504, 22569-22570
    22572, 22574, 22576, 26078, 26080, 26082
    26094, 26129-26136, 26148, 26202, 26204
    26274, 26276, 26457, 26597, 26599, 26601
    26603, 26674, 26676, 26746, 27346, 27378
    27615, 27618, 27649, 27686, 27688, 27690
    27692, 27722, 27724, 27726, 27728, 27963
    28034, 28066, 28068, 28338, 28379, 28394
    28410, 28452, 28463-28470, 28482, 28484
    28486, 28488, 29010, 29012, 29033, 29045
    29068, 29082, 29106, 29154, 29226, 29228
    29297, 29407, 29412, 29482, 29626, 29699-29700
    29802, 29844, 29874, 29985, 30054, 30059
    31756, 31779, 31795, 31810, 31812, 31814
    31816, 31830, 31846, 31849, 31882, 31884
    31886, 31888, 31935, 31954, 31972, 31989
    32008, 32026, 32098, 32100, 32134, 32170
    32172, 32174, 32176, 32241, 32280, 32297
    32299, 32314-32316, 32386, 32421, 32494
    32496, 32498, 32500, 32571, 32643, 32711-32712
    32714, 32783, 32786, 33197-33199, 33341
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    52, 54, 130, 196, 198, 200, 202, 556, 1648
    1650, 1787, 1793, 1860, 1937, 2003-2004
    2010, 2149, 2152, 3320, 3375, 3392, 3394
    3396-3398, 3463, 3500, 3536, 3538, 3540
    3542, 3593, 3608, 3643-3644, 3648, 3680-3682
    3684-3686, 3721-3722, 3752, 3754, 3756
    3758, 3792-3794, 3806-3807, 3824, 3826
    3828, 3830, 3859, 3861, 3863, 3865, 3895-3896
    3898, 3900, 3902, 3918, 3933, 3949, 3968
    3970-3972, 3974, 3988, 4007-4008, 4021
    4040, 4312, 4314-4318, 4332, 4370, 4384
    4386-4388, 4390, 4426, 4456, 4458, 4460
    4462, 4474, 4493, 4509-4516, 4527-4528
    4530, 4532, 4534, 4563, 4570, 4599-4600
    4602, 4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -Duse64bitall
    22498-22499, 22501, 22503, 22551, 22570
    26129-26136, 26167-26168, 26170, 26172
    26202, 26273, 26310, 26346, 26348, 26350
    26352, 26404, 26418, 26420, 26422-26424
    26437, 26453, 26471-26472, 26490, 26492-26494
    26496, 26561-26568, 26597, 26599, 26601
    26603, 26622, 26634, 26669, 26671-26672
    26675-26676, 26706, 26708, 26710, 26712
    26761, 26777-26784, 27306, 27344, 27378
    27380, 27382, 27384, 27619, 27649-27656
    27686-27687, 27689, 27691, 27722-27724
    27726, 27728, 27959, 27994, 27996, 27998
    28000, 28035, 28066, 28338, 28410-28412
    28414, 28416, 28445-28447, 28449-28450
    28463-28470, 28482, 28484, 28486, 28488
    28991, 28995, 29010, 29012, 29014, 29016
    29051, 29082-29084, 29086-29088, 29119
    29121, 29153, 29176, 29191, 29225-29226
    29228, 29230, 29232, 29248, 29267, 29298
    29336, 29339, 29354, 29370, 29372, 29374
    29376, 29409, 29428, 29441-29442, 29444
    29446, 29448, 29499, 29501, 29514, 29552
    29586, 29588, 29590, 29592, 29641, 29658
    29660, 29662, 29664, 29695, 29711, 29730
    29771, 29802, 29804, 29806-29808, 29838
    29840, 29842, 29844, 29857, 29874, 29876
    29878, 29880, 29928-29929, 29933, 29945-29946
    29948, 29950, 29952, 30001, 30018, 30020
    30022, 30024, 30055, 30058-30059, 30073-30074
    30077-30078, 30090, 30092-30094, 30096
    31810, 31812, 31882, 31920, 31954, 31995
    32026, 32098, 32100, 32135, 32170, 32172
    32174, 32176, 32206, 32208-32209, 32212
    32242, 32314, 32351, 32458, 32494, 32496
    32498, 32500, 32530, 32674, 33054, 33057
    33127, 33199, 33201, 33204, 33269, 33414
    33416, 33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    51, 53, 123-124, 126-127, 196, 198, 200
    202, 488, 629, 1860, 1862, 1938, 2003, 2008-2009
    2075-2077, 2442, 3248, 3272, 3306, 3320
    3392, 3394-3396, 3398, 3431, 3450, 3464
    3466-3468, 3470, 3504, 3522, 3536, 3538
    3540, 3542, 3573-3575, 3608, 3610, 3612
    3614, 3626, 3650, 3680, 3682, 3684, 3686
    3704, 3721, 3752, 3754, 3756, 3758, 3774
    3787, 3823-3824, 3826, 3828, 3830, 3842
    3859-3860, 3862-3866, 3896, 3898, 3900
    3902, 3918, 3950, 3967-3968, 3970-3972
    3974, 3988, 4004-4005, 4040-4042, 4044
    4046, 4258, 4295, 4312, 4314, 4316, 4318
    4351, 4384, 4404, 4419, 4423, 4443, 4456
    4458, 4460, 4462, 4509, 4528, 4530, 4532
    4534, 4563, 4566, 4569-4570, 4584, 4600
    4602-4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duse64bitall
    22498-22499, 22501, 22503, 22540, 22558
    22570, 22572, 22574, 22576, 26100, 26129-26136
    26202, 26204, 26206, 26208, 26273-26274
    26276, 26278, 26280, 26346, 26348, 26418
    26490, 26492, 26561, 26598, 26600, 26602
    26604, 26634, 26706, 26777-26778, 27378
    27649, 27686, 27688, 27690, 27692, 27722
    27724, 27726, 27728, 27958, 28029, 28033
    28036, 28065-28066, 28338, 28340, 28342
    28344, 28410, 28446, 28452, 28463-28470
    28482, 28484, 28486, 28488, 29010, 29012
    29065, 29082, 29102, 29106, 29154, 29195
    29226, 29228, 29298, 29338, 29477, 29483-29484
    29553-29555, 29623-29624, 29694, 29772
    29802, 29837-29838, 29874, 29911, 29913
    29984, 31756, 31792, 31810, 31864, 31882
    31922, 31941-31942, 31954, 32026, 32044-32045
    32098-32100, 32133, 32170, 32172, 32205
    32225, 32242, 32278, 32314, 32316, 32318
    32320, 32353, 32356, 32385, 32426, 32428
    32458, 32460, 32493-32494, 32496, 32498
    32500, 32530, 32674, 33342-33344, 33418
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    51, 54, 127, 196, 198, 200, 202, 271, 273
    417, 558, 562, 1646, 1789, 1863, 1866, 1931
    2004, 2009-2010, 2077, 2147, 2221, 3218
    3248, 3271, 3290, 3301, 3320, 3344, 3359
    3361, 3392, 3394, 3396, 3398, 3427, 3464
    3536, 3538, 3540-3542, 3608, 3626, 3645-3646
    3648, 3650, 3679-3680, 3682, 3684-3686
    3751-3752, 3754-3758, 3789-3791, 3824, 3826
    3828, 3830, 3844, 3860, 3862, 3864, 3866
    3880, 3883, 3895-3896, 3898, 3900, 3902
    3933, 3950, 3953, 3968, 3970, 3972-3974
    4040, 4042, 4044-4046, 4277-4278, 4294
    4311-4312, 4314, 4316, 4318, 4367, 4384
    4386, 4388, 4390, 4408, 4426, 4444, 4456
    4458, 4460, 4462, 4474, 4493, 4509-4516
    4528, 4530-4532, 4534, 4552, 4563, 4600
    4602, 4604, 4606
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -Duseithreads
    22497, 22499, 22501, 22503, 26095, 26097
    26166, 26168, 26170, 26172, 26406, 26417
    26422, 26490, 26530, 26561, 26598, 26600
    26602, 26604, 26634, 26706, 27378, 27633
    27649, 27685, 27687, 27689, 27691, 27722
    27959, 27994, 28065, 28395, 28410, 28465
    29010, 29016, 29082, 29088, 29154, 29226
    29298, 29442, 29658, 29730, 29736, 29802
    29838, 29840, 29842, 29844, 29874, 29945
    30071, 30074, 30090, 30092, 30094-30095
    31810, 31812, 31814, 31816, 31882, 31954
    32026, 32046, 32098, 32170, 32226, 32242
    32280, 32314, 32458, 32493, 32495, 32497
    32499, 32674, 33233, 33306, 33378, 33414
    33416, 33418, 33420, 33492
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    56, 123, 196, 198, 200, 202, 267, 556, 1791
    2078, 3499, 3644, 3646, 3648, 3650, 3824
    3859, 3861, 3863, 3865, 3880, 3883, 3896
    3968, 4312, 4456, 4509, 4512, 4528, 4530
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads
    22443, 22445, 22447, 22449, 22462, 22464
    22466, 22468, 22497, 22499, 22501, 22503
    26166, 26168, 26170, 26172, 26490, 26565
    26568, 26597, 26599, 26601, 26603-26604
    27685, 27687, 27689, 27691, 28070, 28072
    29086, 29156, 29158, 29160, 29226, 29232
    29304, 29370, 29442, 29444, 29446, 29734
    29838, 29840, 29842, 29844, 29878, 29880
    30096, 31954, 32026, 32244, 32318, 32390
    32493, 32495-32497, 32499-32500, 32534
    32608, 33234, 33382, 33414, 33416, 33418
    33420, 33456
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 3644, 3646, 3648, 3650
    3859, 3861, 3863, 3865
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -Duseithreads -Duse64bitall
    22497, 22499, 22501, 22503, 26129, 26166
    26168, 26170, 26172, 26239, 26274, 26311
    26420, 26490, 26561, 26564, 26566, 26598-26599
    26603, 26633, 26636, 26640, 26658, 26689
    26706, 26708, 26712, 26760, 26762, 27378
    27620, 27655, 27685, 27687, 27689, 27691
    27994, 28036, 28066, 28338, 28412, 28414
    28451, 28465, 29010, 29154, 29226, 29298
    29302, 29357, 29390, 29411, 29442, 29573
    29625, 29658, 29730, 29802, 29838, 29840
    29842, 29844, 29874, 29929, 29946, 30090
    30096, 31810, 31867, 31882, 31954, 31956
    32026, 32098, 32100, 32102, 32104, 32170
    32174, 32176, 32242, 32284, 32314, 32458
    32460, 32464, 32493, 32495, 32497, 32499
    32674, 32678, 32746, 33077, 33233, 33269
    33306, 33378, 33414, 33416, 33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 1935, 2077, 2295, 3211
    3644, 3646, 3648, 3650, 3859, 3861, 3863
    3865, 3896, 3968, 4009, 4023, 4311, 4316
    4318, 4347, 4384, 4390, 4456, 4458, 4460
    4462, 4495, 4512, 4528, 4530, 4600, 4602
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads -Duse64bitall
    22443, 22445, 22447, 22449, 22462, 22464
    22466, 22468, 22497, 22499, 22501, 22503
    26166, 26168, 26170, 26172, 26597, 26599
    26601, 26603, 27306, 27654, 27685, 27687
    27689, 27691, 28482, 28484, 29012, 29228
    29300, 29442, 29514, 29658, 29838, 29840
    29842, 29844, 31954, 31960, 32026, 32100
    32170, 32314, 32318, 32493, 32495, 32497
    32499, 32602, 32678, 32748, 33166, 33238
    33312, 33414, 33416, 33418, 33420
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    196, 198, 200, 202, 3644, 3646, 3648, 3650
    3859, 3861, 3863, 3865
    Non-zero exit status: 255
    447-448, 452, 455, 469

Compiler messages(gcc):
numeric.c: In function 'Perl_my_atof3':
numeric.c:1444:14: warning: assignment discards 'const' qualifier from pointer 
target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
proto.h:4112:11: warning: 'S_mulexp10' declared 'static' but never defined 

Non-Fatal messages(gcc):

Report by Test::Smoke v1.71 running on perl 5.26.1
(Reporter v0.053 / Smoker v0.046)

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