On Mon, 2023-07-24 at 13:54 +1000, Terry Duell wrote:
> Hello,
> I just tried to build the current master (release-4.5.0-130-g4f94d9e020) on
> Fedora, using rpmbuild and an rpmbuild spec file that has been robust for
> quite
> a while, and get a build error, which essentially says no man pages foun
I just tried to build the current master (release-4.5.0-130-g4f94d9e020) on
Fedora, using rpmbuild and an rpmbuild spec file that has been robust for quite
a while, and get a build error, which essentially says no man pages found for
I note that the last commit included a chang
Although I tend to agree, that's not the reality on the market I live, as
replacing even SD cards is far from cheap. We tend to use cards for
10+ years.
If you replace often, it's a minor issue, unless your card fails during a
wedding. And I've seen it a lot.
And although I don't have your 20+ ye
As I wrote below, I've been at it for 20+ years.
I also work in a field that handles 100,000 of devices,
each and every one has flash memory for software storage and parameters.
I'd say they're pretty reliable nowadays; not perfect but very reliable.
And then; when the storage device becomes 3
I don't recommend deleting files from the memory when copying to your
computer. Copy the files, then format it in camera.
Yes, memory cards (and flash memory) is much more reliable these days, but
statistics still favor the copy + format procedure.
On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 7:54 AM Hannu E
Long time lurking member...
For those inclined to do Bash-scripting, here a hint (excerpts from) on
what i have active;
Moving images from any temporarily mounted Flash-card to date-named
/(manually started Bash script)/