I think I found the answer to my own question: In a District Census 
Handbook of 2001:
*Column 20 and 21 shows area irrigated by different*
*sources of irrigation and un-irrigated area. These two*
*columns cover all agricultural land which equals to net*
*cropped area sown with crops and orchards including*
*current and other fallow lands. In case of irrigated*
*land, the source of irrigation has also been indicated.*

This means that "Fallows other than Current Fallows" and "Current Fallows" 
of 2011 are part of NSA in 2001.

BUT, the next para in the 2001 handbook then creates confusion again:
*Column-22 Culturable waste : This includes all*
*lands available for cultivation whether not taken up*
*for cultivation or taken up for cultivation once but not*
*cultivated during the five years or more in succession.*
*Such lands may be either fallow or covered with shrubs*
*and jungles which are not put to any use.*

Now what does one make of this?

On Monday, January 11, 2021 at 8:09:18 PM UTC+5:30 Sharad Lele wrote:

> Dear All,
> As you know, Census Village Amenities Tables (now called Village 
> Directories) contain a huge amount of data on various attributes of 
> villages. Of particular interest to me is the last set of columns, which 
> are about land use in the village. Till Census 2001, there used to be a 
> limited number of categories of land use: 4 main categories (forest, area 
> not available for cultivation. culturable waste, and Net Sown area (NSA was 
> given in two columns: irrigated land and unirrigated land).
> In the 2011 census, they have moved to the 'standard' 9-fold 
> classification: forest,  
> Area under Non-Agricultural Uses, Barren & Un-cultivable Land, Permanent 
> Pastures and Other Grazing Land,  Land Under Miscellaneous Tree Crops 
> etc., Culturable Waste Land, 
> Fallows Land other than Current Fallows, Current Fallows, Net Area Sown, 
> Total Unirrigated Land, Total Irrigated land. (Note that irr and unirr are 
> subcategories of NSA). Plus they have given breakup of irrigated land by 
> source.
> The question I have for you is: how do these 9-fold categories map onto 
> the old 4-fold classification? 
> Forest 2011 to forest 2001, 
> Barren+AreaunderNAU in 2011 = area underNAU in 2001
> Misc Tree Crops+Cult Waste+Permanent Pastures in 2011 = Culturable Waste 
> in 2001
> And Total Unirr + total Irr in 2011 = total unirr + total Irr in 2001
> But then what happens to current fallows & long-term fallows?? Where were 
> they included in 2001 ? Under Unirr? or under Culturable waste ?
> Appreciate your help. Could not find any online documents explaining this.
> Sharad

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